10 Free Templates for Camp Counselor Resume

A camp counselor resume is a document that is typically used to apply for a position as a counselor at summer camps by highlighting any of your skills or experience relevant to the position.

Summer camp should be a safe space where children can interact, learn life skills and have fun. As a camp counselor, you should be able to create this environment within the camp. Your camp counselor resume should thus show your competencies in fulfilling the expectations of campers, camp directors, and their guardians. Some of the abilities you should possess as a camp counselor are leadership, teaching skills, communication, child care, survival skills, first aid, etc.

By creating an effective resume, you will be able to showcase the skills and experiences that make you a good fit for the role of a camp counselor. Therefore, it can be crucial in increasing your chances of getting an interview for that position. The list of things you need to include in a camp counselor resume can vary depending on the position you are applying for.

However, some of the main things to show off include contact details, objective or summary, educational qualifications, skills, and experience. To create a job-securing resume, you need to take a look at the general requirements of the specific job position. This will help you know how to tailor your resume and make it better than the next person applying.

This article will look into the following:

  • How best to format a resume for a camp counselor job
  • Different sections to incorporate in such a resume
  • Tips on how to improve the quality of a camp counselor resume

What is the Best Format for a Camp Counselor Resume?  

In order to determine the best format for a camp counselor resume, it will be important for you to go through all the job requirements and see what is needed from you. This will help you understand how to create a unique and individualized resume for yourself. The most preferred format for a camp counselor is the reverse-chronological format, as it is effective in most scenarios. This format focuses on the relevant experience in counseling and is thus most suitable for experienced camp counselors.

Other formats you can consider are functional and combination formats. Consider the functional format when you lack experience; for example, you are a recent graduate but have the necessary skills and experience in other fields, such as volunteering. Similarly, consider using a combination format when you want to benefit from the strengths of the other two formats (chronological and functional).

Below are the basic components of a standard camp counselor resume that you must include:

Add contact information to your camp counselor resume

When applying for a position, the hiring manager needs to know who you are, so put the necessary details in your resume. This is so that when they need to contact you, they can do so.

Make sure you take the time to add contact information as follows:

  • Name – The name should be in the largest fonts on the page. It should be placed at the topmost part of the resume.
  • Mailing address – A mailing address is needed for correspondence purposes. The provided address should include the street name, house number, city, and state.
  • Email address – An email address is necessary for communication purposes. Include a professional address. Also, avoid using your current work email address.
  • Social media portals – You are allowed to include your social media portfolio, such as a LinkedIn page or any other that may highlight your skills or experience in counseling.

Other things that can be included in your contact information are a cell phone number, website, etc.

For example:

Barry Middlefield
Pretoria, MN 493833
555 555 555

Include your relevant education to the resume  

It is important to include relevant education in your camp counselor resume. Include the name of the educational institution you went to, the date of graduation, any degrees obtained, and any honors, special awards, or certifications received. The education qualifications should be written in reverse chronological order starting with the most recent and going backward. Other details to include in this section include GPA and academic projects.

Certifications are vital in showcasing your suitability as a camp counselor. You can include them under the education section or create a separate section.

Examples of certifications that are relevant to counseling include:

  • First Aid, CPR, and AED Instructor
  • Certified personal trainer
  • OSHA (occupational safety and health administration) Safety certificate
  • Camp counselor certification
  • Pastoral counseling certification
  • Lifeguard certifications
  • Adult and pediatric first aid/CPR/AED
  • Wilderness first responder training
  • Open water diver
  • Programming in C programming
  • Certified therapeutic recreation specialist

Camp counselors must be capable of efficiently undertaking a multitude of activities as they are charged with caring for children. Employers will thus want to know you can guarantee safety when guiding and helping children participate in activities such as rock climbing, swimming, camping, archery, hiking, etc.

For example:

Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology                                                     
2012 – 2015
University of Minnesota, MN
Diploma in Physical Education                                                          
2013 – 2014
University of Columbia, WA

Pro tip: Certain pre-considerations ought to be observed when structuring this section. If you completed your studies more than 15 years ago, you should consider leaving out the graduation date so as to avoid being discriminated against due to age. If you are yet to graduate, include the “expected graduation date.” Also, new graduates should place their education qualifications before experience. The length of the education section often depends on your experience – the more experience you gain, the shorter the education section gets.

Create a skills section on your resume 

The skills section should comprise a list of your abilities that make you a good fit for the role. The list of skills will contribute to the qualifications of an effective camp counselor. You should review the job description and identify the skills that the employer has prioritized. Identify the keywords used by the employer and incorporate them into the resume.

You can also review several camp counselor resume examples to get an idea of which skills to include. You can include 6-12 skills. Make sure to include soft and hard skills but prioritize hard/technical skills as they are most prioritized by employers. Technical skills illustrate your on-the-job knowledge and valuable experience with a specific process, device, or technology. Several soft skills should also be included as they are important for interpersonal purposes.

Examples of skills that are relevant to a camp counselor job include:

  • Daily activities skills – A camp counselor should be able to organize and conduct different daily activities. The activities should be aimed at managing stress levels and maintaining mental health.
  • Child care skillsChild care is the ability to look after a child, supervise and guide them for periods lesser than 24 hours. This should be in the absence of the parent, guardian, or custodian. Child care can be center-based or home-based (at home).
  • CPR – CPR implies cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CPR is an emergency medical procedure meant to help people who are finding it difficult to breathe. It involves compression of the chest to help the brain get sufficient air supply and ensure blood flows throughout the body. 
  • Staff members skills – These are skills that make you an ideal employee, which can be a combination of different skills such as interpersonal skills and technical skills.
  • Customer service skillsThese are skills that relate to your interaction with clients or customers. You should be able to listen effectively and explain information by answering questions, fixing problems, and offering solutions.
  • Staff meetings skills – Staff meetings are meant for staff members to give updates, share feedback, make announcements, etc. Staff meeting skills include skills that are needed to have a successful meeting between staff members.
  • Communication skills – You should have the skills to communicate effectively with your colleagues and clients. You should be able to listen, understand and explain information. Communication includes the use of words, actions, and expressions. 

Some other skills that you can use in your camp counselor resume are listed below:

Hard skills:

  • Event planning skills
  • First aid knowledge
  • Nature and outdoors
  • Sports knowledge
  • Archery
  • Tie-dying
  • Cooking
  • Building bonfires
  • Emergency response  
  • Completing incident reports  
  • Experience living away from home  
  • Presentation skills  
  • Knitting
  • Administrative skills
  • Survival skills  
  • Swimming and lifeguarding skills  
  • Server skills
  • Kayaking
  • Rock climbing

Soft skills:

  • Time management
  • Dependable
  • Encouraging, upbeat personality
  • Organizational skills
  • Management skills
  • Stress management
  • Youth Supervision
  • Respect for other cultures
  • Problem-solving
  • Team player
  • Multitasking
  • Customer service
  • Creativity
  • Public speaking skills
  • Positive attitude
  • High energy

List your camp counselor experience 

Experience is essential to be hired as a camp counselor. In this section, you should consolidate all the camp counselor jobs you have had. Employers will want to know the following information; your role as a camp counselor, what did you do, how long did you do it, when was the period, how did you come about getting this experience, for example, through volunteer work or even working other part-time/full-time jobs related to study/interest, etc.

The best way to list your experience is chronological, from the most recent experience to the earliest. Also, avoid listing the duties but rather enlist noteworthy achievements in the job positions. Quantify achievements, as this is more persuasive to employers. Enlist relevant achievements as they add more value to the resume.

Pro tip: Consider incorporating experience and achievements that illustrate your best abilities. You can also borrow from voluntary work and internships to illustrate significant skills and experience you have obtained from volunteers. To better incorporate your volunteer work, use a functional resume format to showcase your best competencies and training. Also, incorporate skills that indicate you are a quick learner to show you can learn new training and utilize it quickly.

For example:

Summer Camp Counselor                                                                                 
Mary and Gates Camp Site, NV

  • Led and supervised camping groups of more than 50 students with the help of two assistants.
  • Resolved conflicts between campers and developed programs that promoted collaboration and harmony within the camp.
  • Implemented the laws and regulations of the camping institution and participated in formulating new regulations and revising existing policies.
  • Engaged with campers on a person-to-person basis so as to receive feedback regarding their experience on camping grounds.
  • Promoted a positive attitude within the group by preparing motivational notes on the group whiteboard and talking to the students during morning meetings.

Head Counselor                                                                                                    
Bright Torch Education Center

  • Organized fun activities for the different age groups of campers.
  • Maintained a safe and educative environment for the students by implementing camp policies and teaching the students new skills such as first aid, rock climbing, kayaking, swimming, archery, etc.
  • Guided the group of campers during nature trips and outdoor activities.
  • Prepared daily journals and weekly reports on activities undertaken by the camping group.

Add a summary or objective statement  

Lastly, add a summary or objective statement. A summary is meant to give an overview of your camp counselor career. The summary outlines what you have to offer in terms of years of experience and notable accomplishments, and job title. An objective statement, on the other hand, focuses on who you are and what are your goals and strengths as a camp counselor. A summary is used by applicants with a vast wealth of experience. In contrast, an objective statement is used by applicants lacking experience who want to market themselves as suitable candidates.

For example:


A confident and highly motivated professional with 4 years of experience working as a camp counselor at Bright Torch Educational Center. I possess the skills to work well with children of different ages and am competent in maintaining the safety and well-being of campers. My leadership, supervisory, and communication abilities have helped me to excel in my career as a camp counselor.


Highly ambitious professional, able to lead, supervise, and communicate positively with students of different ages. Adequately skilled in teaching swimming, First Aid, rock climbing, water sports, hiking, biking, and other nature-related activities to children. Dedicated to a career in counseling and also passionate about helping children learn new skills.

Free Templates   

Below are templates that are designed with a standard layout and structure along with all the key elements that need to be included in a camp counselor resume. You can download these pre-made templates from our site for free. You can also customize these templates to suit your specific job application requirements.

Free Camp Counselor Resume Template - Editable Format
Camp Counselor Resume Example - Professional Sample
Downloadable Camp Counselor Resume Template - Word Format
Camp Counselor Resume Form - Comprehensive Example
Camp Counselor Resume Template - Customizable Format
Printable Camp Counselor Resume Form - Free Template
Camp Counselor Resume - Effective Format
Camp Counselor Resume Template - Ready-to-Use Word Document
Camp Counselor Resume - Creative and Eye-catching Template
Camp Counselor Resume - Well-Structured Sample

    10 Tips to Consider 

    Listing the wrong information and not including enough information are common mistakes applicants make. Here is a list of tips you should consider when writing a camp counselor resume:

    Quantify your achievements

    Quantifying your achievements is important as this will give a clearer idea of your skills, strengths, and achievements on the resume. Quantifying achievements using hard numbers is more persuasive and should be done when listing camp counselor experience. For example, you can indicate how many campers you supervised, etc.

    Make your resume ATS-friendly

    When you apply for any job online, your resume will be screened by an automated system called an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) before it is sent to the employer for review. Therefore, tailor your resume to overcome this system in the following ways. Review the job description, use the right keywords, and use phrases used in the job description when highlighting your skills and experience. 

    Format your resume impeccably

    Formatting creates a first impression that can determine if the employer reads your resume or not. So, select the format carefully. The format of your resume should be neat, tidy, and structured. Ensure you use the right font, font size, and font style to make the text easy to read. Using bullets rather than complete sentences is also advisable when listing job placements or skills.

    Write a targeted resume 

    Employers will be looking for candidates that are suitable employees for their camp. So research the specific camp and learn about it to write a resume that reflects your suitability for the specific camp. There are different categories of camps, including academic, sports, adventure, religious, arts, technology, and band. Each category will prioritize different qualifications, so make sure that you understand what is required in the category you are applying for.

    Be concise and to the point

    Avoid putting a lot of information that may be considered irrelevant. Keep your resume short and sweet. Listing irrelevant job experience will make it harder for employers to see how suitable you are for the job and make them doubt your abilities as a counselor.

    Eliminate the use of personal pronouns

    You may be tempted to use personal pronouns like I, me, or my on the resume, which should be avoided. Personal pronouns are viewed as self-centered. Instead, use punchy phrases such as “organized, patient, and trustworthy counselor” rather than “I am an organized, patient, and trustworthy counselor.”

    Tailor your resume to each job description

    Each camp will have different requirements you must meet for the job. Therefore, you must tailor your resume to each job description. Do not reuse the same resume for two different jobs. You can, however, modify it as per each job description. Tailor it to the camp counselor job you are applying for.

    Include examples 

    Include examples of outstanding job experiences, such as times you received prestigious recognition for your work or made improvements in your work. Examples are highly persuasive. 

    Use action verbs 

    Action verbs are action-oriented words. They make the description come alive and set you apart from the rest of the candidates. Examples of action verbs include prepared, created, facilitated, administered, mentored, directed, supervised, developed, organized, and assigned.

    Review and proofread

    Once you have written your resume, proofread it for spelling and grammatical mistakes. Read it as though you are an employer looking at the resume from various angles and see if anything on the resume catches your attention. Then, go back and make corrections.

    Final Thoughts

    A camp counselor is a critical part of the campers’ initiation, support, and supervision, both physically and emotionally, who in turn maintain healthy behaviors. The skills needed for a career as a camp counselor include: being able to build rapport, competency in first aid, child development, sport code of conduct, and other basic skills. Camp directors will thus want staff members who are capable of undertaking the mentioned duties. A resume can help demonstrate your suitability for the camp counselor position. A well-written camp counselor resume will enable you to get an interview. Once you have secured the interview, it is your performance and interpersonal skills that count toward getting the job.

    About This Article

    William Lehr
    Authored by:
    Human Resources Specialist, MS Office Expert
    William Lehr combines a profound understanding of human resources with a certified expertise in Microsoft Office, making him a dual asset in any professional setting. With a keen insight into the intricacies of HR, William adeptly manages talent acquisition, employee relations, and organizational development. His Microsoft Office proficiency further amplifies his effectiveness, allowing him to design and implement seamless workflows, reports, and analytical tools. Whether it's optimizing HR processes or crafting efficient MS Office solutions, William's comprehensive skill set ensures that organizational objectives are met with precision and excellence.

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