Continue Working Letter of Intent Examples

In most cases, if the employer accepts to extend the contract, they will approach the employee with a new agreement or some type of contract renewal agreement. Presenting the employer with a well-formatted letter of intent to continue working has the potential to reopen negotiations regarding the employee-employer business relationship while serving as formal proof of the employee’s desire to maintain the employment contract.

By definition,

It is a formal request made by an employee to express their intentions to renew a business relationship.

This is usually when an employment contract is about to end, and the employee would like to continue working at the company. The purpose of addressing this letter to the employer is to convince them why they should renew the contract and inform them how renewing it would benefit their business.

Since the letter is usually issued by the employee and not the employer, it is expected that the employee will plead their case for why the company or business would benefit from the contract renewal/extension. To achieve this, an employee can provide a concise description of their notable accomplishments during their tenure with the company. One could also provide a viable argument for how their business relationship has been beneficial to the company. Further, one can use such a letter to remind the employer of their qualifications, including academic qualifications, past work experiences, skills, etc.

Free Templates

Editable Continue Working Letter of Intent Template 01 for Word File

Free Continue Working Letter of Intent Template 02 for Word File

Printable Continue Working Letter of Intent Sample 01 for Word File

    Writing a Continued Working Letter of Intent

    Mastering the art of writing a well-formatted letter is essential, especially if you want to have your employee-employer business relationship renewed. The use of a persuasive and informative tone matters a lot, as does the overall structure of your work.

    It should comprise the following key components:

    The header

    In the header section, provide your name and contact information, including email and mailing addresses, city, state, and zip code.

    After writing your contact information as the letter’s header, skip a single line and write the date of writing the letter. However, if you are sending the letter via email, you can skip the date as it will be automatically included in the email

    Recipient’s contact information

    Just below the date, skip a line and add the recipient’s contact information. Write the recipient’s full address, including the company name, the recipient’s name and job title, and their mailing address.


    Start your letter with a professional salutation. You could mention the name of the recipient or their job title within the organization.


    Some companies’ employment policies state that such letters be addressed to the Human Resource staff members or the employee’s direct supervisor.

    In any of these cases, make sure that it is addressed correctly to get a timely response and avoid any unnecessary inconveniences.


    Dear Mrs. Greenwood,

    Introductory paragraph

    In the introductory paragraph of the letter, start by introducing yourself. Mention your name and your job title, then proceed to explain why you are writing it. Mention why you are interested in continuing to work with the company and why you believe the employer should extend your contract.


    My name is Rushford Williams, and I am writing to express my interest in continuing to work with XYZ Limited. My current probationary employment contract is set to expire on June 6, 20XX, and I would like you to consider giving me a contract renewal.


    The body of the letter should highlight some of your most relevant accomplishments. These include:

    • Your relevant skills
    • Past work experiences
    • Unique talents
    • Achievements
    • Academic qualifications, etc.

    Highlighting your qualifications and notable achievements during your tenure helps to make your case for why the employer should extend your contract and how this will benefit the organization in the long run.


    Most employers want to read about how your continued role in that organization would help them grow their business.

    Therefore, you need to be persuasive while writing this section, but be careful not to come across as being too boastful. 


    I believe that my continued role at XYZ Limited could be instrumental in growing the business. I am a highly skilled and talented employee who is eager to contribute to the company’s success through hard work. Besides, I am very passionate about this role. With each passing day, I feel molded into my position through the continuous mentorship program that I receive and the various trainings I have had the pleasure of attending.


    The letter’s last paragraph should reiterate your reason for writing it and consequently appreciate your letter’s recipient for taking the time to consider your application. You could also provide a call-to-action sentence requesting the receiver for a written response or for the opportunity to arrange a sit-in meeting to discuss the details of your continued working request further.


    I would like to thank you again for allowing me to be part of your reputable organization, and I wish for its continued success. If you are willing, I would be happy to have a meeting with you to discuss the contract renewal request further. Please feel free to contact me via email at or through my job extension number, 3567.

    Afterward, write an appropriate closing tag followed by your name, job title, and signature.


    Rushford Williams

    Continue Working Letter of Intent Template

    [Your Full Name]

    [Your Job Title]

    [Your Department/Team]


    [Recipient’s Name]

    [Recipient’s Job Title]

    [Company Name]

    [Company Address]

    [City, State, Zip Code]

    Dear [Recipient’s Name],

    I hope this letter finds you well. As [Your Job Title] in the [Your Department/Team] at [Company Name], I have had the privilege of contributing to our team’s successes and navigating the challenges we’ve faced together. As we approach the end of my current contract/employment period on [End Date of Current Contract/Employment Period], I am writing to express my sincere intention and enthusiasm to continue my journey with [Company Name].

    Reflection on My Journey So Far:

    Over the past [Duration of Employment] with [Company Name], I have been fortunate to grow both professionally and personally. The opportunities to work on [mention specific projects, initiatives, or responsibilities] have been particularly rewarding, allowing me to [mention specific skills developed, achievements, or how you contributed to the team]. These experiences have not only enhanced my [mention specific skills or areas, e.g., technical skills, leadership abilities], but also deepened my commitment to our collective goals and the mission of [Company Name].

    Looking Ahead:

    As I look to the future, I am excited about the prospect of continuing to contribute to our team’s efforts and the company’s success. I am particularly eager to [mention any upcoming projects, goals, or initiatives you are looking forward to], believing that my background and skills position me well to make a significant impact.

    Commitment to Growth and Excellence:

    I am committed to not only maintaining the high standards of performance expected at [Company Name] but also to seeking ways to further enhance my contributions. Whether through continuing professional development, embracing new challenges, or fostering teamwork, I am eager to contribute to our shared success in new and meaningful ways.

    Request for Discussion:

    I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss the potential for my continued employment with [Company Name], including any considerations regarding my role, responsibilities, or professional development opportunities. I am open to feedback and suggestions on how I can continue to be a valuable asset to our team and contribute to our goals.

    Thank you for considering my intention to continue working with [Company Name]. I look forward to the possibility of discussing this further and to the opportunity to contribute to our team’s success in the coming years.

    Warm regards,

    [Your Full Name]

    [Your Job Title]

    [Your Contact Information]

    [Your Email Address]

    [Your Phone Number]

     Letter of Intent to Continue Working Sample

    Dear Mr. Smith,

    I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. As my current contract as a Senior Graphic Illustrator in the Creative Design Department draws to a close on June 30, 20XX, I am writing to express my keen interest and heartfelt desire to continue my professional journey with PixelPerfect Studios.

    Since joining PixelPerfect Studios in 20XX, I have had the immense pleasure and privilege of being part of a team that is not only talented but incredibly passionate about pushing the boundaries of digital art and design. The opportunity to lead the visual development of our flagship project, “Galactic Odyssey,” and to contribute to our team’s accolades has been a highlight of my career. These experiences have significantly honed my skills in digital illustration and team leadership, and have solidified my commitment to our collective vision and success.

    Looking ahead, I am excited about the potential to further contribute to the groundbreaking work we do at PixelPerfect Studios. With several projects on the horizon, such as the upcoming “Mythical Realms” series and the “Eco-Futures” digital exhibition, I am eager to bring my expertise and creativity to the table, ensuring our continued success and innovation in the industry.

    I am fully committed to continuing my growth and contributing to our team’s efforts. I believe that my ongoing dedication to mastering emerging design technologies and trends will allow me to bring fresh perspectives and ideas to our projects. Furthermore, I am enthusiastic about the possibility of mentoring junior designers, sharing the knowledge and experiences I have gained to foster a nurturing and productive creative environment.

    I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss my continued role within PixelPerfect Studios and how I can contribute to our future projects and goals. I am open to any feedback you may have and am willing to explore any areas where you believe my skills could be most effectively utilized.

    Thank you for considering my request to extend my journey with PixelPerfect Studios. I am very much looking forward to the possibility of further contributing to our team’s success and to the exciting challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

    Warmest regards,

    Jasmine Patel

    Senior Graphic Illustrator

    Creative Design Department

    (555) 123-4567


    The letter is well-crafted for several reasons. Firstly, it begins with a polite greeting and expresses goodwill towards the recipient, setting a positive tone. The purpose of the letter is clearly stated, indicating the author’s intention to extend their professional journey with PixelPerfect Studios beyond their current contract, ensuring clarity from the outset.

    Furthermore, the letter is structured effectively, with each paragraph focusing on a specific aspect of the author’s interest in continuing with the company. They highlight their contributions and achievements during their tenure, such as leading projects and demonstrating commitment to the team’s success. This highlights their value to the organization and readiness for new challenges.

    Moreover, the author expresses enthusiasm for future projects and a willingness to contribute further, demonstrating dedication and passion for their work. They also express openness to feedback, reflecting a collaborative attitude. This willingness to engage in dialogue with management indicates professionalism and a genuine interest in the company’s success.

    Overall, the letter effectively communicates the author’s interest in continuing their employment, showcases their achievements, and demonstrates enthusiasm for future opportunities. It strikes a balance between professionalism and warmth, making it persuasive and engaging for the recipient to consider the author’s request positively.

    Final Words

    Knowing how to write an effective intent letter to continue working is crucial if you wish to have your employer extend or renew your employment contract. It is imperative to note that you must use a convincing tone while writing it and mainly talk about your most notable accomplishments and achievements that are invaluable to the organization’s growth to convince the employer to consider renewing your contract. Remember to proofread before submitting it.

    About This Article

    William Lehr
    Authored by:
    Human Resources Specialist, MS Office Expert
    William Lehr combines a profound understanding of human resources with a certified expertise in Microsoft Office, making him a dual asset in any professional setting. With a keen insight into the intricacies of HR, William adeptly manages talent acquisition, employee relations, and organizational development. His Microsoft Office proficiency further amplifies his effectiveness, allowing him to design and implement seamless workflows, reports, and analytical tools. Whether it's optimizing HR processes or crafting efficient MS Office solutions, William's comprehensive skill set ensures that organizational objectives are met with precision and excellence.

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