24 Free Deposit Receipt Templates (Cash, Security, etc.)

Most transactions between buyers and sellers involve negotiations to find mutually beneficial and agreeable terms of sale. One of the most highly negotiated aspects of a transaction is the payment terms. Even if the buyer is unable to increase the item’s current sale price, the seller (payee) and the buyer (payer) can still agree to proceed with the transaction. It is relatively common for sellers to ask for a portion or percentage of the total price, known as a “deposit,” to be paid upfront if the buyer will pay the total amount later. A deposit receipt or template is used for such instances.

A deposit is a portion of an agreed-upon sum given to a person as a sign that the payer intends to pay the full amount or adhere to the terms of the agreement. Once it is paid, the seller issues a receipt to the buyer as proof of the payment. These receipts are typical in contracts, lease agreements, freelance work, and vehicle transactions.

This article will explain what a receipt for a payment includes and the different types used in business transactions.

Free Templates

Free Deposit Receipt Template 01 for Word Document

Free Deposit Receipt Template 02 for Word Document

    What is a Deposit Receipt?

    A receipt for a deposit is a written record of how much a payee or seller has received from a buyer as an advance payment for a particular good or service they are purchasing and declares their commitment to pay the remaining balance within a specified period. 

    In addition, the document declares that the amount paid as an advance can be refundable or non-refundable if the buyer fails to honor their commitment. It is also known as a down payment


    When selling property, a payment has to be made so that the seller can take the property off the market, or for freelance photography services, the photographer usually asks it from the client before completing the job.

    The down payment in both situations represents a portion of the overall cost.

    How Does it Work?

    A deposit payment is an assurance for the payee, while it also signifies the payer’s good faith toward their agreement with the payee.

    Below are three simple steps that clarify the process of using a receipt in a transaction:

    Negotiation between parties

    The first step is the negotiation stage. The buyer and seller first negotiate the agreeable terms and conditions. The amount to be paid is determined at this point. This amount can be a fixed percentage of the total asking price or a flexible amount, depending on the transaction.

    Also, this has different names depending on the type of transaction.


    It is termed a security deposit in real estate, while it is referred to as a down payment in most vehicle transactions.  

    The transacting parties should also agree on whether it is refundable or not. Again, this will depend on the nature of the transaction.


    In rental agreements, the security deposit is often refundable depending on applicable state laws. 

    The seller collects the payment

    Secondly, the buyer transfers the agreed amount to the seller’s account once all the transaction terms have been agreed on. Upon completion, the seller should present a completed receipt to the buyer.


    Note that on most occasions, the buyer will be given a deadline to make the payment, after which the terms of the transaction become void if the money is not paid.

    Both parties fulfill their duties

    Once the receipt has been issued, each party must fulfill their respective duties. The buyer is expected to pay the remaining amount once the task has been completed. The seller will likely abide by the terms of the contract, such as transferring ownership of the purchased item after full payment has been received. The seller can retain it if the payer fails to fulfill its obligations, depending on the terms and conditions.

    What to Include in a Receipt?

    The specifics will vary from one transaction to another. Therefore, some will be more detailed than others. However, it is prudent to use a template that covers all the information discussed below to ensure that it serves as credible evidence of the payment.


    The receipt must contain a date. The document must indicate when it was written, preferably the exact date when the deposit was received. The date should indicate the day, month, and year.

    Buyer’s information

    The next section on the receipt should provide details about the buyer who has paid a deposit. It must show the name, address, city, state, and ZIP code. This information is necessary for correspondence. 

    Deposit amount

    After the buyer’s details, the receipt shows the amount received. This information should be given in words and numbers for clarification. The correct monetary unit for the amount should also be included in the document.

    Payment method

    The receipt should indicate the payment method. Customers can make payments using a variety of methods, so it is always advisable to use a receipt that can accommodate different payment options. Standard payment methods include cash, check, bank deposit, etc. 

    Deposit’s purpose

    A receipt should then mention the purpose of the deposit. The purpose can be stated in a brief statement that includes all pertinent information about the transaction. This section should be written with perfect clarity to avoid any conflicts in the future.

    Refundable or non-refundable

    The next item should be a statement that declares whether the amount is refundable or non-refundable. Because terms and conditions vary from transaction to transaction, it is best to choose a template that provides two options.

    Remaining balance with the due date

    Since the buyer will still have to pay the remaining amount after paying it, the receipt should indicate that this balance is to be paid at a later date to fulfill their obligations. The amount should be given in numbers and words for clarity. Alongside the remaining balance, the document should indicate the due date for the full payment. If the rest of the payment is to be paid in installments, this information can also be added to this section.

    Seller’s name and signature

    The authenticity of the document depends on the signature. To confirm that the contents of the receipt are true and accurate, the seller should supply their name and signature. 

    Title of the signatory

    Finally, the receipt needs to specify who signed the document and in what capacity. For example, if the document is being used in a lease, then the title of the signatory would be “landlord.” If the receipt is used for a vehicle purchase, the title would be “car owner” for a private sale or “agent” for a dealership purchase. 

    Types of Receipts

    The types of receipts are typically based on their usage. Below is a list of the different types of receipts with the given templates:

    Car (vehicle) down payment receipt

    Comprehensive Car Deposit Receipt Template as Word File

      When a buyer makes a down payment on a car, they are issued a receipt by the seller. The document shows the buyer’s interest in the vehicle and commitment to purchase the vehicle in such a case. Once the down payment is paid, the buyer is expected to remove the car from the market under the agreement made with the seller.

      Since the car will usually cost a significant amount, using a car or vehicle deposit receipt gives the buyer time to arrange the remaining amount. Should the buyer fail to pay the full amount within the stipulated time, the seller can sell the car to another buyer and keep it.

      Boat advance deposit receipt

      Comprehensive Boat Deposit Receipt Template as Word File

        A boat deposit is used to purchase or sell a boat. The receipt indicates how much money the buyer has paid as a deposit and the remaining balance. The receipt also contains details about the deposit being paid towards purchasing a specific boat or vessel. For clarity, details about the boat, like type, size, color, and registration number, can also be included.

        Earnest money deposit receipt

        Comprehensive Earnest Money Deposit Receipt Template as Word File

          Earnest money is paid to show intent to buy or reserve an item, often real estate. Typically, the earnest money is paid to an escrow agent, who receives it on behalf of the property owner. Once payments are received, the escrow agent or entity informs the property owner, and they can issue an earnest money receipt to the potential buyer. The receipt should contain a legal description of the property being sold.

          Photography deposit receipt

          Comprehensive Photography Deposit Receipt Template as Word File

            Most photographers ask for a deposit before committing to a photography or videography job. It is paid to show the client’s commitment to the agreement. The photographer issues the client with a receipt in such a case. A receipt will often indicate the number of hours the photographer will be working for the client, and the remaining balance will be paid once the job is completed.

            Security deposit receipt

            Comprehensive Security Deposit Receipt Template as Word File

              A security deposit is generally the most common type. A tenant pays it to the landlord as a sign of good faith and willingness to abide by the lease or rental agreement. It will often be equal to one month’s rent. The landlord uses the money to safeguard against missed rent or damage to the property. The security deposit will generally be refundable at the end of the lease,  provided there are no damages to the property when the tenant is moving out. The landlord issues a receipt to acknowledge the payment, and the receipt also mentions the terms and conditions for a refund. 

              Cat payment deposit receipt

              Comprehensive Cat Deposit Receipt Template as Word File

                A cat deposit is a fee paid at the beginning of the tenancy as security for any damages or inconvenience a pet cat might cause. Once the landlord receives the fee, the tenant is issued a receipt for the security deposit. The fee is often refundable, provided the cat does not cause any damage.

                Dog payment deposit receipt

                Comprehensive Dog Deposit Receipt Template as Word File

                  A dog deposit is a fee paid by tenants who own a dog. The amount paid as a dog deposit will vary from one property to another and can be a one-time payment or a monthly payment, depending on the lease agreement. A receipt is issued once the tenant pays the amount. The fee is meant to encourage tenants to be in charge of their pets and protect the property against any damages caused by their pets. The deposit is usually refundable.

                  Real estate down payment receipt

                  Comprehensive Real Estate Deposit Receipt Template as Word File

                    The buyer pays a real estate down payment to the property owner as a sign of their commitment to buy it. Next, the buyer and the property owner negotiate how much money should be paid as a deposit to draft the purchase agreement. Once the seller has received the agreed-upon amount, they prepare a real estate deposit receipt. Then, the property owner removes the property from the market until they are paid in full. The buyer is expected to pay the remaining balance; otherwise, they lose their deposit, and the property is sold to the next available buyer.

                    Key deposit receipt

                    Comprehensive Key Deposit Receipt Template as Word File

                      A concise document acknowledging the receipt of a key deposit from a tenant. It confirms the amount paid, date received, and outlines conditions for refund. Helps maintain a clear record of the transaction.

                      Vehicle deposit receipt

                      Comprehensive Vehicle Deposit Receipt Template as Word File

                        A vehicle receipt template is a pre-designed form used to create a document that acknowledges the receipt for the purchase of a vehicle. It includes essential details such as buyer and seller information, vehicle description, amount, and terms of the sale, providing a standardized format for recording the transaction.


                        It is imperative to record every aspect of any business or financial transaction. In cases where a deposit has to be paid, a receipt becomes a crucial record of this fact. Once signed by the seller, the document can be presented as evidence if any misunderstandings arise. Therefore, the seller should keep a copy of the receipt as well. 
                        A receipt is not limited to the applications mentioned in this article; the document can be used in any transaction where one party has to pay a certain percentage of an agreed amount to secure the product or service.  

                        Frequently Asked Questions

                        What is a deposit receipt, and why is it important?

                        It is a document that acknowledges the receipt of a deposit made by a customer to a business or individual. It typically contains details such as the amount of the deposit, the date it was made, the name of the depositor, and the purpose of the deposit. Deposit receipts are important because they provide proof of the deposit, which can be useful in resolving any disputes that may arise in the future. They also help businesses keep track of their financial transactions and ensure that they are complying with relevant regulations.

                        Is a deposit receipt the same as a deposit slip?

                        No, a deposit receipt is not the same as a deposit slip. A slip is a form that a customer completes to indicate the amount of money they are depositing, along with other information such as their account number and the type of deposit (e.g., cash, check, or money order). The slip is typically given to the teller at the bank along with the deposit. A deposit receipt, on the other hand, is a document that the bank provides to the customer as proof of the deposit. It serves as a record of the transaction and includes details such as the amount deposited, the date, and the account to which the deposit was made.

                        About This Article

                        Ryan Powell
                        Authored by:
                        Professional Business Management, Quality Assurance, Human Resources, Supplier Management
                        With over 15 years in professional business management and an additional 4 years in e-commerce, Ryan Powell has distinguished himself as a strategic leader, steering sites to generate revenues exceeding $100 million. His approach emphasizes proactive problem-solving and profit optimization. Personal attributes such as strong organization, time management, and team collaboration bolster his professional portfolio. Ryan's experience spans leadership roles from Supervisor to General Manager, with notable contributions in Tier 1 Aerospace sectors, partnering with industry leaders like Boeing and Raytheon. He's adept at quality assurance, aligning with AS/ISO 9001 standards, lean methodology, financial management, including P&L oversight, and human resource strategies that prioritize employee retention. Ryan's comprehensive skill set positions him as an invaluable asset to growth-focused organizations.

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