Employment (Job) Confirmation Letter – Free Templates

If you want to thrive as a business, several intricate elements need to be taken care of. One of those essential but heavily overlooked areas of a business operation is the employment confirmation letter. Different aspects of this discourse must be explored to ensure that you provide the correct information for the prospective employee. The letter will determine a list of things for your employees. Therefore, you need to ensure it is top-notch from the beginning to the end. Consequently, you will experience all the necessary areas of the letter and create your own to incorporate into your business.

The Employment Confirmation Letter is a document or letter explaining the terms of the agreement for a prospective employee.

In addition, it details the terms and conditions that are involved in working with the company. The letter ensures that the employer and the employee are on the same page regarding the working conditions and other aspects that will benefit both parties in the long run. It is used as a reference point for both parties for many years or if the employee stays with the company. Therefore, the letter must be drafted carefully.

However, there is a distinction between the employment verification letter and the letter. It is common for people to misinterpret the two. The employment verification letter is issued by a financial institution looking to give out loans.

So, these banks or financial institutions will send a verification letter to an employer to clarify if the employee works for the company. In simple words, it is used to verify the employment status of an employee through the employer.

An employment confirmation letter, on the other hand, is a document that an employer provides to a potential employee who is looking for work. The letter may come after a verbal agreement or none; the purpose is to show that the company is willing to employ the individual with terms and conditions attached to the letter.

Free Templates

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Free Editable Safety Officer Employment Confirmation Letter Template for Word Format

    Importance Of Sending One

    The letter is essential to the brand’s image and reputation, but it is also valid. One reason is that the letter details the terms and conditions clearly without any form of ambiguity so that the employee can clearly understand the job roles, pay, and other areas previously discussed.

    The letter also shows that the company is valid and is in operation with existing principles. The letter also helps to prepare the employee to sign the employment contract, so there is room for any other adjustment if there is a resolution after reading the letter.

    What Should be Included?

    Since we have understood that the letter is essential to the company’s credibility and the agreement between your business and the employee, it is necessary to know what should be included in the letter.

    • Responsibilities: You should include the job responsibilities and the role of the employee. This should show the level of the employee’s responsibilities and expectations.
    • Starting date: The start date also needs to be included. The letter should detail the exact date that the employee is supposed to start work.
    • Name and title of the sender: The supervisor’s name and title should be included; this will help the employee know the structure or hierarchy of the company.
    • Salary details: Whether you are confused about paying the employee hourly or a lonely salary, these details must be included in the letter.
    • Benefits of the company: What are the employee benefits that the prospects will gain when they start working with your company? Next, you need to add the employee benefits program, whether diversity and inclusion, paid time off, employee assistance program, and others.

    The terms of the employment should be discussed in the letter, letting the employee know whether it was at-will or any other condition.


    It is best to have a verbal agreement before you send this letter; the talk will ensure you avoid any issues when writing the letter.

    However, if you do not have any agreement and only an interview was conducted, that is fine too. You can send the letter within two to four weeks after the verbal agreement or the interview.

    Drafting an Employment Confirmation Letter

    The letter is an important document that will be used as a reference point at different times. Therefore, you need to know how to write perfectly to the prospective employee.

    Here is how to write the letter:


    Most companies’ letters carry their letterhead, which has company information. Plus, the letterhead shows authenticity and credibility when the employee reads it.

    • Date: The date when the letter was written should be written on the letter. As an organization, you need to have the date stamp on the documents that you send out.
    • Name of the employee: The header will also carry the full name of the prospective employee. No prospective employee wants to see a letter addressed to a strange person or anyone at all. Since you have the employee’s information, include the full name in the header of the letter.
    • Address of the employee: Include the full address of the employee with the state code and the phone number.
    • State the subject of the letter: The subject of the letter should be clear. For example, “Job Confirmation” can be the proposed subject that you are going for.
    • Greetings: It would be best if you greeted the employee by addressing them directly. “Dear John”


    There is a need for a proper introduction so that the prospective employee will feel warm and understand what the letter is about. You need to state the primary purpose of writing the letter. Straight away, let the employee understand the reason for the letter.


    The body of the letter contains the significant information that you want to pass on to the prospective employee. It is where the main message lies and how every aspect of the prospective employees’ stay will be detailed.

    Here is how to write the body of the letter:

    • Mention the job title, salary, and start date of the job: It is essential to have a welcoming time. An exciting approach will give your employee a much-needed confidence boost when he or she starts work on the specified day.


    You can start by saying, “We at XYZ Company are pleased to offer you the role of the Junior Assistant. Your first day will be on January 1, 2022, with a salary of $20,000 a year to start with.”

    • Write details of benefits your company offers: It is essential to include the employment benefits your company offers, whether free rides, free wi-fi, diversity, inclusion, paid time off, or other benefits. This will help the employee see that you are interested in the work and ensure an effective work/life balance.
    • Explain terms and conditions: The terms and conditions must be clearly stated. For example, you need to inform the employee to perform a background check or drug test. The terms may also include the employee signing the documents. The deadline should also be included so that there is a sense of urgency on the part of the employee.


    Every part of the letter must convey the right message and tone for the prospective employee to feel welcome. In addition, the closing needs to be warm and show that element of human nature.

    Therefore, here are the best ways of closing the letter:

    • Conclude by thanking the recipient: Thank the recipient by saying, “Thank you for your interest in XYZ Company. We are happy to have you as part of our team.”
    • Salutation: “Yours Sincerely” is an excellent salutation for the letter.
    • Your name and designation: Include your full name and designation so that the employee can get a sense of the company that he or she will be working in.
    • Signature: Add your signature after your designation.

    Employment Confirmation Letter Format

    [Company Letterhead]

    [Company Name]

    [Company Address]

    [City, State, Zip Code]

    [Company Phone Number]

    [Company Email Address]


    [Recipient’s Name]

    [Recipient’s Address]

    [City, State, Zip Code]

    Dear [Recipient’s Name],

    Subject: Offer of Employment

    On behalf of [Company Name], I am pleased to extend to you the offer of employment for the position of [Job Title] within our [Department/Team Name]. After careful consideration of your skills and qualifications, we are confident in your ability to contribute significantly to our team and achieve our company’s goals.

    Position Details:

    • Job Title: [Job Title]
    • Department/Team: [Department/Team Name]
    • Reporting To: [Supervisor/Manager’s Name and Title]
    • Location: [Work Location/Office Address]
    • Start Date: [Proposed Start Date]
    • Employment Type: [Full-Time/Part-Time/Contractual]
    • Work Schedule: [Work Hours and Days, e.g., Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM]

    Compensation and Benefits:

    • Annual Salary: [Annual Salary Amount] payable [monthly/bi-weekly] in accordance with our standard payroll procedures.
    • Bonus/Incentive Plans: [Details of any bonus or incentive plans, if applicable].
    • Benefits: [Brief overview of benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, etc.].
    • Vacation and Leave: [Details regarding vacation, sick leave, and any other leave entitlements].

    Conditions of Employment:

    Please note that this offer of employment is contingent upon [any contingencies such as background checks, reference checks, etc.].

    We believe that your skills and talents will be a valuable addition to our team. [Company Name] is committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment where all employees can thrive.

    To accept this offer, please sign and date this letter as indicated below and return it to us by [Deadline for Acceptance]. This offer of employment will expire if not accepted by the specified date.

    Should you have any questions or require further clarification regarding this offer, please do not hesitate to contact [Contact Person’s Name], [Contact Person’s Job Title], at [Contact Person’s Phone Number] or [Contact Person’s Email Address].

    We are excited about the possibility of you joining our team and look forward to welcoming you to [Company Name]. Thank you for considering this offer of employment.


    [Your Name]

    [Your Job Title]

    [Company Name]

    [Your Contact Information]

    I accept the offer of employment as outlined in this letter.

    [Recipient’s Name]


    Sample of Employment Confirmation Letter

    Dear Jane Doe,

    Subject: Offer of Employment – Project Manager Position

    We are thrilled to extend to you the offer of employment for the position of Project Manager at Fast Solutions Inc., a leading company in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector. Your experience and skills stood out during the selection process, and we are confident in your ability to lead our project teams towards achieving exceptional results.

    Position Details:

    • Job Title: Project Manager
    • Department: Project Management Office (PMO)
    • Reporting To: Director of Project Management
    • Location: Industry City, CA – with occasional travel to project sites as required
    • Start Date: April 15, 20XX
    • Employment Type: Full-Time
    • Work Schedule: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, with flexibility as project deadlines require

    Compensation and Benefits:

    • Annual Salary: $85,000, payable bi-weekly
    • Bonus/Incentive Plans: Eligibility for annual performance bonus, up to 10% of the annual salary, based on company and individual performance
    • Benefits: Comprehensive health, dental, and vision insurance; 401(k) plan with company match; 20 days paid vacation; 10 paid public holidays; 5 personal days; employee discount program
    • Professional Development: Access to training and development programs to support your career growth

    Conditions of Employment:

    This offer is contingent upon the successful completion of a background check and the signing of a confidentiality agreement to protect the proprietary information of Fast Solutions Inc. and its clients.

    We are confident that your leadership and project management expertise will be instrumental in driving our projects to success, delivering value to our clients, and contributing to the growth and innovation of Fast Solutions Inc. in the FMCG sector.

    To accept this offer, please sign and date this letter below and return it to us by March 14, 20XX. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to contact me directly at 555-321-9876 or via email at hr@fastsolutionsinc.com.

    We are excited about the prospect of you joining our team and look forward to your positive response. Welcome to Fast Solutions Inc.!


    Amanda King

    HR Manager

    Fast Solutions Inc.



    I accept the offer of employment as outlined in this letter.

    Jane Doe


    Key Takeaways

    This offer letter effectively communicates the details of employment for the Project Manager position at Fast Solutions, Inc. Here’s why it’s considered effective:

    Clear and Detailed Information: The letter provides comprehensive details about the position, including job title, department, reporting structure, location, start date, employment type, and work schedule. This clarity helps the recipient understand the terms of employment.

    Compensation and Benefits: The compensation package, including salary, bonus/incentive plans, and benefits, is clearly outlined. This transparency ensures that the candidate understands the financial aspects of the offer.

    Professional Development Opportunities: The mention of access to training and development programs demonstrates the company’s commitment to supporting the candidate’s career growth and skill enhancement.

    Conditions of Employment: The conditions, such as background check completion and confidentiality agreement signing, are clearly stated. This ensures mutual understanding and compliance with company policies.

    Personalized Touch: The letter is addressed to the candidate by name, and the HR manager’s contact information is provided for any inquiries or clarifications, adding a personalized touch to the communication.

    Deadline for Acceptance: A clear deadline for accepting the offer is provided, giving the candidate a reasonable timeframe to review the offer and make a decision.

    Acceptance Section: The inclusion of an acceptance section allows the candidate to formally acknowledge their acceptance of the offer by signing and dating the letter, streamlining the acceptance process.

    Overall, the letter effectively communicates the terms of employment, highlights the company’s commitment to the candidate’s growth, and provides clear instructions for acceptance, making it a professional and comprehensive offer of employment.

    Professional Tips for Writing

    Consider the following effective practices for composing a compelling letter:

    Use a business letter format

    A business letter format sets the tone for the entire letter. It would be best to have a letterhead that bears the company’s information to show credibility and its entire operation. The paragon style of a letter should be block style with relevant font and margins. In between, the paragraphs need to be double-spaced, but the block style should be single-spaced. Furthermore, you should not abbreviate any part of the letter when writing the employee’s address.

    Ask the employee to contact you back if needed

    This is great for the necessary feedback. However, you should include your contact details towards the end of the letter for the employer to contact you. This is necessary when you need to submit the document you may have attached to the letter. It is advisable that even if you don’t have anything for the employee to contact you about, you should still add a note for them.

    Proofread your letter

    The letter must be free from errors and typos. You can ask someone to help proofread the letter. Since you will be dealing with numbers, confirming the numbers properly will help to avoid serious issues. It can lead to a huge misunderstanding and breakdown of the contract if things are not done correctly.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When does the employment confirmation letter get sent?

    The letter can be sent two weeks after the verbal agreement, if there have been any. However, the letter can be sent without verbal agreement four weeks after the interview. However, you can send the letter within these time frames, depending on your company policy.

    What should be included in the employment confirmation letter?

    The letter needs to have some specific information that will ensure the prospective employee fully grasps the extent to which his or her services will be required. Therefore, one of the first things to include in the letter is the job roles and responsibilities. In addition, you need to ensure that the job description is adequately spelled out, including the date when the employee is expected to resume work.
    Also, the employee’s salary must be included; ensure that you carefully look at the numbers, as it can be tricky when dealing with 1s and 0s.
    Furthermore, the frequency of payment must be added to the letter. For example, how do you intend to pay the prospective employee? Is it hourly or monthly? Whatever the decision or agreement is, you need to state it in the letter.
    There should be employee benefits for signing in with your company; what are the current employees’ benefits? What do you want to give this new employee? Some companies ensure that the new employee works for at least 60 days before the employee benefits start. So, if that is your policy, then let that be stated in the letter.

    What is the difference between employment verification and an employment confirmation letter?

    The employment verification letter is a document sent by a financial institution to an employer that verifies the status of an employee looking to get a loan or mortgage. On the other hand, an employment confirmation letter is a document sent by an employer to a prospective employee to explain the employment details.

    About This Article

    Ryan Powell
    Authored by:
    Professional Business Management, Quality Assurance, Human Resources, Supplier Management
    With over 15 years in professional business management and an additional 4 years in e-commerce, Ryan Powell has distinguished himself as a strategic leader, steering sites to generate revenues exceeding $100 million. His approach emphasizes proactive problem-solving and profit optimization. Personal attributes such as strong organization, time management, and team collaboration bolster his professional portfolio. Ryan's experience spans leadership roles from Supervisor to General Manager, with notable contributions in Tier 1 Aerospace sectors, partnering with industry leaders like Boeing and Raytheon. He's adept at quality assurance, aligning with AS/ISO 9001 standards, lean methodology, financial management, including P&L oversight, and human resource strategies that prioritize employee retention. Ryan's comprehensive skill set positions him as an invaluable asset to growth-focused organizations.

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