Healthcare Cover Letter Examples | Add this Not That

A cover letter is a one-page document submitted alongside a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Résumé during job applications. Healthcare cover letters are used specifically for healthcare job applications. Cover letters help to highlight the applicant’s personality, interest in the position, skills, and competencies. In addition, it displays the applicant’s passion and motivations and expounds on the qualifications and skills listed in the resume and other relevant information.

This letter details the qualifications and expertise of the applicant in the healthcare line. In addition, it introduces the applicant and details their interest in the job position and the organization.

A good cover letter for healthcare piques the recruiter’s interest and gets them to assess the applicant’s resume, while a nasty cover letter might get the whole application trashed. It is the applicant’s first step in the application process, and it should be well-written. An applicant should truthfully present themselves in this letter without any false or contradictory information contained in the resume. This letter should also address any gaps in the resume while expanding on the accomplishments and duties carried out in previous job positions.

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    Steps to Write a Healthcare Cover Letter

    Considering the importance of the healthcare cover letter, this is a comprehensive guide to including the contents of a good healthcare cover letter:

    Your contact information

    A good cover letter for healthcare must contain the applicant’s contact details. This is information on how to contact the applicant about the job application. The details include the name, address, phone number, and email address of the applicant. The name comes first, followed by the address, phone number, and email address.


    The date when the applicant wrote the cover letter should be indicated on the letter. It should come after the applicant’s contact information and be in an acceptable format.


    The salutation in a good cover letter should not be general but personalized for the recruiter. An acceptable salutation is the use of “Dear” followed by the recipient’s name or position (if their name is unknown). It is easy to find the names of recruiters with online resources like the company’s website and LinkedIn profiles that the applicant must access while researching the healthcare organization and job listing.


    The introduction is the opening (first) paragraph in a cover letter, and it typically decides the application’s fate. The introduction has to be strong and capture the attention of the recruiter. Numerous job applications will inundate the recruiter, and they might not have the interest and time to examine all applications thoroughly. Therefore, a good introduction must be strong and catch the attention of the recruiter.

    • Get to the point: The recruiter has numerous applications to go through and will appreciate a letter without ramblings. A good introduction will go straight to the point while containing essential and attractive information.
    • Motivation: A good letter must present the motivations of the applicant. A truthful short story covering why the applicant is interested in that field and position will create a memorable introductory paragraph. It is also vital to explain why they would love to work for that health organization and its location. The applicant should also demonstrate how the position and the vision or mission of the organization tie in with their personality and career goals.

    Body of the letter

    The body of the letter is where the applicant gives more detail about their preferences. The body correlates the experiences, qualifications, and skills of the applicant to the specified job requirements. It can also be used to clarify any discrepancy or time-lapse present in the applicant’s resume. The body of the cover letter should not be more than two paragraphs.

    • Highlight your most considerable success: A good letter should demonstrate the applicant’s strengths and achievements. This should be adapted to the requirements of the health organization and job position. The applicant should not rehash or summarize the achievements detailed in the resume but expand it to show their abilities.
    • Show your team spirit: The applicant should display their ability to function well, contribute to a team, and limit the use of the “I” pronoun. Excessive use of this pronoun says the applicant cannot function in a team. Some critical skills needed alongside team spirit are effective communication and collaboration. Include team spirit phrases in the cover letter, such as “contributed,” “helped,” “worked with,” and “team-oriented”.


    The conclusion is the last part of a healthcare cover letter. This is where the applicant reiterates their skills and competencies for the job position by highlighting their enthusiasm to work with the organization and interest in an in-person interview.

    • Follow-up: The applicant may indicate a mode of follow-up – how and when—for the application in the concluding statement. Generally, it is advisable to check up on the application every few days or once per week.
    • Closing remarks: This is an appreciation of the recruiter’s time, consideration, and final expressions of the applicant’s values, keenness, and soft skills. The final remarks should not focus on the applicant’s needs but on those of the recruiter.


    The final signature should be professional but pleasant (e.g., “Best regards,” “Sincerely,” “Respectfully,” etc.). The applicant’s first and last name and signature should follow the closing salutation.

    Healthcare Cover Letter Template


    [Your Full Name]

    [Your Address]

    [City, State, Zip Code]

    [Your Email Address]

    [Your Phone Number]


    [Hiring Manager’s Full Name]

    [Position Title, if known]

    [Healthcare Facility or Organization Name]

    [Company Address]

    [City, State, Zip Code]

    Dear [Hiring Manager’s Last Name or “Hiring Manager”],

    I am writing to express my interest in the [specific position title, e.g., Registered Nurse, Medical Assistant, Healthcare Administrator] position at [Healthcare Facility or Organization Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting, e.g., your website, a job board]. With a [degree or certification in a relevant healthcare field] and [number of years] years of dedicated experience in the healthcare sector, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to your team’s commitment to delivering exceptional patient care.

    Throughout my career, I have demonstrated a strong ability to [mention key skills or experiences relevant to the job, e.g., provide compassionate patient care, manage healthcare operations efficiently, implement patient safety protocols]. At my current or most recent position at [Your Current or Most Recent Employer], I [describe a significant achievement, responsibility, or project, e.g., led a team in streamlining patient intake processes, significantly reducing wait times and improving patient satisfaction scores].

    I am particularly drawn to [Healthcare Facility or Organization Name] because of [mention what attracts you to this organization, e.g., your innovative approaches to patient care, your commitment to community health, the quality of your medical research]. I admire [mention any specific programs, achievements, or values of the organization], and I am eager to bring my expertise in [mention specific skills or areas, e.g., emergency care, healthcare administration, patient advocacy] to support your mission.

    In addition to my clinical skills, I bring [mention any additional skills or experiences, e.g., strong leadership abilities, proficiency in healthcare IT systems, experience in healthcare policy compliance]. I am committed to not only meeting but exceeding the expectations for this role, contributing to the efficiency of healthcare delivery and the well-being of patients at [Healthcare Facility or Organization Name].

    I am looking forward to the opportunity to further discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasms align with the needs of your team. I am particularly excited about the chance to [mention what you look forward to doing, e.g., enhance the quality of patient care, contribute to your health education programs, support the growth of your healthcare services]. I am available at your convenience for an interview and can be reached directly at [Your Phone Number] or via email at [Your Email Address].

    Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to provide further information and discuss how I can contribute to the continued success and excellence of [Healthcare Facility or Organization Name]. Please find my resume attached for more detailed information on my professional background.

    Warmest regards,

    [Your Full Name]

    Healthcare Cover Letter Samples

    SAMPLE 01

    Dear Dr. Johnson,

    I am writing to express my interest in the Registered Nurse position in the Oncology Department at Sunrise General Hospital, as advertised on the hospital’s careers page. With a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and over six years of experience in acute care settings, including specialized experience in oncology nursing, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team’s exceptional patient care and support Sunrise General’s commitment to health and healing.

    During my tenure at City Health Medical Center, I had the privilege of working in the Oncology Unit, where I was deeply involved in providing comprehensive care to patients undergoing cancer treatment. This experience not only honed my clinical skills in administering chemotherapy and managing side effects but also emphasized the importance of compassionate patient support and education. One of my key contributions was developing patient education materials on managing chemotherapy side effects, which significantly improved patient satisfaction and outcomes.

    I am particularly drawn to Sunrise General Hospital because of your innovative patient care models and your dedication to continuous learning and improvement in the field of oncology. Your hospital’s reputation for excellence in cancer care and the multidisciplinary approach to treatment are highly inspiring to me. I am eager to bring my expertise in oncology nursing, my commitment to patient-centered care, and my ability to thrive in collaborative team environments to your esteemed Oncology Department.

    In addition to my clinical expertise, I am certified in chemotherapy administration and have completed advanced training in palliative care, which I believe will be beneficial in meeting the diverse needs of your oncology patients. My dedication to advancing my knowledge and skills in oncology nursing is matched by my passion for supporting patients and their families through their treatment journeys.

    I am looking forward to the opportunity to further discuss how my background, skills, and passion for oncology nursing align with the needs of Sunrise General Hospital. I am particularly excited about the chance to contribute to your team’s efforts in providing cutting-edge cancer care and support to patients. I am available at your convenience for an interview and can be reached directly at (555) 678-9012 or via email at

    Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to provide further information and discuss how I can contribute to the continued success and excellence of the Oncology Department at Sunrise General Hospital. Please find my resume attached for more detailed information on my professional background.

    Warmest regards,

    Samantha Green

    SAMPLE 02

    Dear Dr. Harper,

    I am writing to express my interest in the Diagnostic Medical Sonographer position at Advanced Imaging Center, as recently advertised on your website. With an Associate Degree in Diagnostic Medical Sonography from Riverdale Technical College and four years of hands-on experience in a high-volume hospital setting, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team’s commitment to providing exceptional patient care through advanced diagnostic imaging services.

    At City General Hospital, I have had the privilege of working alongside a team of skilled radiologists and sonographers, where I performed a wide range of ultrasound examinations, including abdominal, obstetric, gynecological, and vascular studies. My role required a high degree of precision, attention to detail, and the ability to communicate effectively with patients and healthcare professionals. One of my key achievements was the implementation of a patient preparation guide for ultrasound procedures, which significantly improved patient compliance and image quality, leading to more accurate diagnoses.

    I am particularly drawn to the Advanced Imaging Center because of your state-of-the-art ultrasound technology and your team’s dedication to continuous learning and professional development. I am eager to bring my expertise in sonographic techniques, my proficiency with the latest ultrasound equipment, and my passion for patient care to your esteemed center. I am committed to enhancing my skills and staying abreast of advancements in sonographic imaging to ensure the highest quality of diagnostic services.

    In addition to my technical skills, I pride myself on my empathetic patient care and my ability to provide a comforting and reassuring presence during ultrasound examinations. I understand the importance of creating a positive patient experience, especially when patients may be anxious about their procedures. My dedication to patient care and my collaborative work ethic would make me a valuable addition to your team at Advanced Imaging Center.

    I am looking forward to the opportunity to further discuss how my background, skills, and passion for diagnostic medical sonography align with the needs of your center. I am particularly excited about the chance to contribute to the renowned diagnostic services provided by Advanced Imaging Center. I am available at your convenience for an interview and can be reached directly at (555) 432-1234 or via email at

    Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to provide further information and discuss how I can contribute to the continued success and excellence of the Advanced Imaging Center. Please find my resume attached for more detailed information on my professional background.

    Warmest regards,

    Jordan Matthews

    Do’s and Don’ts

    Although there are no hard rules about what the structure of a health cover letter should (or should not) look like, there are some basic things to pay attention to in order to end up with an optimized letter.


    An applicant should pay extra attention to these things and ensure all the boxes are checked when writing a health cover letter:

    • Use appropriate font: Fonts in a cover letter should be uncomplicated and professional and kept between the sizes of 10 and 12. Examples of professional fonts are Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, Courier New, Verdana, Helvetica, and similar fonts. Make sure to maintain a single font and font size all through the letter.
    • Take care of spacing: A well and single-spaced cover letter allows the recruiter to swiftly and efficiently read through the letter. It allows them to identify key points contained in the letter effortlessly. Align the text to the left and leave a space between each section and paragraph.
    • Tailor your letter to the reader: A good cover letter must suit the needs and requirements of the healthcare organization and the job position. To achieve this, the applicant should peruse its website and company publications to better understand the organization and its needs.
    • Use of the right tone: This letter should maintain the right note of formality (professionalism) and friendliness. The tone should show enthusiasm and highlight the applicant’s personality while illustrating a positive outlook regarding the company.
    • Make it memorable: An anecdote will illuminate and grab the recruiter’s attention and make this letter unforgettable while showing the applicant’s personality and motivations to fetch them for a face-to-face interview. It makes the recruiter curious, scrutinizes the applicant’s resume, and eager to discuss the job further.
    • Stay on track: This letter must not contain unnecessary personal or professional information. Instead, include strong points that will project a good picture and fit the job requirements.
    • Use power phrases: Power phrases are words that depict robust experiences and skills in healthcare. They evoke a particular response from the recruiter. Some examples of such phrases are “strongly,” “resonate,” “demonstrated,” “achieved,” “improved,” “solved,” and “managed.”.
    • Add vibrancy: This letter cannot be dull; it is written creatively, compels the recruiter, and portrays the applicant’s personality. A good cover letter is spiced with powerful phrases and written in an active voice.


    There are some pitfalls an applicant should avoid when they write a cover letter for healthcare to ensure that the letter is strong and will achieve the desired result:

    • A good letter will not contain salary information unless specifically required. To include it labels the applicant as unprofessional and an amateur.
    • The salutation should contain the name of the recruiter or their designation at the very least. Do not use broad salutations.
    • Do not use the same cover letter for all job applications or all-purpose cover letters. All-purpose cover letters show laziness and dullness and will not attract the recruiter.
    • Avoid making spelling and grammatical errors.
    • Never hand-write a cover letter; use email or printed cover letters only.
    • The paper used for the resume and the cover letter should be the same. Make sure you do not use inferior paper.
    • Leave out any unnecessary details. Also, do not pack each section of the letter with too many details.
    • Do not embellish accomplishments or contradict the content of the resume.


    A good cover letter is vital during a healthcare job application. It is the first portrayal of the applicant in the healthcare organization’s human resources department and stimulates the recruiter’s interest. It delineates the applicant’s expertise, abilities, personality, and experience. It also customizes the applicant’s skills to the requirements of the healthcare organization and the job position. Thorough research of the organization, its activities, the job position, and the recruiter helps create a solid and purposeful healthcare cover letter. 
    A good cover letter must be brief, formal yet friendly, and well-spaced with an appropriate font size. It should focus on the applicant’s substantial area and potential interest in the organization, show team spirit, and be memorable. It must not contain needless details, lies, or errors. A good cover letter should also show that the applicant is eager to work with the healthcare organization.

    About This Article

    Megan V.
    Authored by:
    Award-Winning Resume Writing, Cover Letters, Executive Bios, Public Relations
    Megan V. is an acclaimed resume writing professional, celebrated repeatedly as one of the "Top Ten Best Resume Writers in the Bay Area," a title she proudly reclaimed in 2023. Transitioning from her extensive experience owning and steering a public relations agency since 2009, Megan has tailored her writing prowess to cater to individuals seeking standout resumes, compelling cover letters, and detailed executive bios.

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