30 Sample Invitation Letters for Visa (Family, Visitor, etc.)

An invitation letter for a visa is written to invite an individual to visit you in a foreign country.

You must be a resident of that country to write and send this letter to your friend, family member, or any other person of your choice. This letter is also known as an invitation letter to a friend. It should highlight how you plan on taking care of them once they arrive in the country. The letter will be used to inform the consul of the embassy that you are inviting a particular friend and that you will be taking care of them for the period they will be in the country.

There are different invitation letters, apart from the letter for a visa. For instance, you can write a business invitation letter to persuade the invited person, group, or company to attend the event, inform the invited party of the essence of the event, or advise the invited party on the importance of attending the gathering.

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    Types of Invitation Letter

    There are different types of invitation letters that you can write. The letter can be handwritten, typed, printed, and sent through email or postal mail. The first and most crucial step is considering your audience and the information you want to share with them. Also, keep in mind that handwritten letters are more effective since they feel more personal and sincere.

    Here are some types of invitation letters you may write:

    Invitations from family and friends

    This letter invites a friend or family member to visit them in a foreign country. If you have several friends or family members in that country, the best option is to pick a family member or friend who has been a resident of that country for a long time.

    Also, it is best to choose a person who has a stable job. You should also establish and provide evidence of your relationship with the individual. For example, you can use a birth certificate to prove your relationship with this family member.

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    Printable Visa Invitation Letter example

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    Editable Visa Invitation Letter sample

    Printable Visa Invitation Letter form

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      Business invitation letter

      This letter is prepared and sent by a business partner or another company to you as an invitation. The letter is meant to invite you to visit another country for a business meeting or other business purposes. The company’s manager or representative writes this letter.

      It should establish the relationship between the sender and recipient of the letter, highlight all the business activities to be accomplished during that time, and mention the job position, salary, and details of your current employment.

      If you are the one writing this letter, it is necessary to prepare it two or more weeks before the date of the event. This way, the invited party can plan and schedule the event in their own time. Also, you are more likely to see the invited people attend the event if they receive the letter.

      Free business invitation letter template

      Editable business invitation letter example

      Editable business invitation letter for visa

      Free business invitation letter example for visa

      Visa invitation letter template with editable format

      Printable business invitation letter for visa application

      Editable visa invitation letter template for business

      Free sample business invitation letter for visa

        Sponsor invitation letter

        In this case, a sponsor invitation letter is written and sent to invite you to attend a conference, give a speech, or even make a presentation. The person who sends you this letter is usually the one sponsoring the event and would like you to make an appearance.

        Whatever the case, this letter is meant to inform you of why you were selected, the period of your stay, and the schedule for all the activities. The sponsor might be an individual, a company, or even the event organizer. They are responsible for all the activities you might indulge in at the event.

        Free Sponsor Invitation Letter Template

        Free Sponsor Invitation Letter Template

        Printable Sponsor Invitation Letter Form

        Sample Sponsor Invitation Letter for Free

        Downloadable Sponsor Invitation Letter Template

        Editable Sponsor Invitation Letter Sample

        Printable Sponsor Invitation Letter Example

        Customizable Sponsor Invitation Letter Template

          Hospital invitation letter

          If you need to go for treatment in another country, you will receive this letter from the target hospital. For instance, you may require this letter to receive treatment from a physician in the U.S. You will need to start by first applying for a B-2 tourist visa for medical reasons at your embassy.

          Your treatment needs must be proven to be only accessible at that hospital in the U.S. before you can receive this letter from that particular hospital. You will also need to prove that you can afford all the payments arising from the treatment before the B-2 tourist visa is processed and the letter is sent to you.

          Hospital invitation letter sample template

          Editable invitation letter to general practitioner for free download

            College invitation letter

            This letter is another invitation letter you can either write to or receive from someone. It is meant to invite you to attend different college events. For example, you will receive a college invitation letter if the sender wants you to attend a college fest, conference, party, wedding, or other college events.

            If you are writing this letter, ensure that you maintain a respectful and convincing tone. Your tone is meant to encourage the recipient of your letter to attend your college event.

            University invitation letter - Free template

            Editable university invitation letter example

            Printable college invitation letter sample

            College invitation letter template - Free download

              How Do You Write a Visa Invitation Letter?

              Since this letter for a visa is an important document, you should know how to write it appropriately. Therefore, here is a step-by-step guide on how to write this letter for a visa.

              With these steps, you will be able to write the letter containing all the components required in the letter:


              The header is considered the first part of the letter. The details that must be included in the header are usually written on the top left side of the letter. These are the details you will write at the beginning of the letter:

              • Date: The date is essential for preparing the letter and must be included.
              • Embassy name and contact information: Since the letter is written to the embassy, you should include the embassy’s name. After this, you must include the embassy’s address and other necessary contact details in the letter.
              • Salutation: You should also include greetings meant for the person to whom you are writing the letter. The recipient of this letter is usually an individual at the embassy. For example, “Dear (Visa Officer).”


              The details in this section should be written in the introductory paragraph of the letter for a visa. This information about you is essential as you invite another person to stay in a foreign country. Therefore, ensure that the information is correct and complete.

              • Write your name: Include your complete and official name in the letter.
              • Your person’s status: Your citizenship status is also required, as you must be a citizen of the country to invite someone to visit.
              • You need to provide your contact information: You must include your contact details, such as phone number, email address, and complete location address, as it is a requirement of the letter.


              The body is the most crucial section of the letter; it must be positive and convincing so that your friend or family member can visit you. This section must be written to elaborate on your purpose.

              This part must contain the following information:

              • Write the friend’s name and passport information: You need to provide details about the person you want to visit, their full official name, and their passport information.
              • Specify the purpose of their visit: Since you invite them into the country, you need to explain why they visit you. You need to explain the genuine purpose of their visit.
              • Tell them about your relationship with them: You need to highlight your relationship with them and provide evidence of that relationship.
              • Specify trip dates: The embassy will also require details of the dates they will be staying with you. For example, you need to include when they will arrive and when they will leave.
              • Write the names of places you’ll visit: Since your friends or family members are outsiders to your country, you need to indicate the names of all the places they will visit with you.


              The final section is also essential and includes asking the embassy to reach out for further information or clarification. You should then close your letter by thanking them in anticipation of their positive response.

              Invitation Letter for Visa Template

              [Your Full Name]

              [Your Street Address]

              [City, State, Zip Code]


              [Phone Number]

              [Email Address]


              [Embassy or Consulate Name]

              [Embassy or Consulate Address]

              [City, State, Zip Code]


              Dear Sir/Madam,

              Subject: Invitation Letter for [Visitor’s Full Name] – [Relationship to You], Visa Application

              I, [Your Full Name], residing at [Your Full Address], am writing this letter to support the visa application of my [relationship to you, e.g., friend, family member], [Visitor’s Full Name], who resides at [Visitor’s Address]. This letter serves as a formal invitation for [him/her/them] to visit me in [Your Country] for [purpose of visit, e.g., vacation, attending a family event, etc.], from [Start Date of Visit] to [End Date of Visit].

              [Visitor’s Full Name] plans to stay with me at my residence for the duration of [his/her/their] visit. During [his/her/their] stay, we intend to [briefly describe planned activities, e.g., sightseeing, attending cultural events, visiting local landmarks, spending time with family, etc.]. I assure you that [Visitor’s Full Name] will leave [Your Country] before the expiration of [his/her/their] visa and that [he/she/they] will abide by all the laws and regulations of [Your Country] during [his/her/their] stay.

              I am [employed/self-employed/other] as a [Your Occupation] at [Your Employer/Company Name, if applicable], and I have attached proof of my employment and financial stability to this letter. I am fully committed to covering all expenses for [Visitor’s Full Name] during [his/her/their] visit, including but not limited to [his/her/their] accommodation, food, health insurance, travel within [Your Country], and return travel to [Visitor’s Home Country].

              Attached to this letter, you will find:

              • A copy of my identification (passport or ID card).
              • Proof of my residency in [Your Country].
              • Proof of my employment and financial stability (e.g., recent bank statements, pay stubs).
              • [Any other documents requested by the embassy or consulate, e.g., itinerary, event invitation].

              I kindly request you to consider [Visitor’s Full Name]’s visa application favorably and grant [him/her/them] the necessary visa to visit [Your Country]. Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or via email at [Your Email Address].

              Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your positive response.


              [Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)]

              [Your Printed Name]

              Invitation Letter for Visa Sample

              Dear Sir/Madam,

              Subject: Invitation Letter for Emma Dubois – Friend, Visa Application

              I am writing to extend a formal invitation to my friend, Emma Dubois, who resides at 42 Rue du Bac, 75007 Paris, France, to visit me in the United States for a short vacation. I am a legal resident of the United States, living and working in New York City as a Graphic Designer at Creative Minds, Inc. This letter is to support Emma’s application for a tourist visa for her planned visit from June 1, 20XX, to June 15, 20XX.

              During her stay, Emma will be residing with me at my apartment, located at the address mentioned above. We have planned a series of activities to make the most of her visit, including exploring New York City’s landmarks, such as the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We also plan to take a short trip to Niagara Falls for a weekend. I assure you that Emma will return to France upon the completion of her vacation, as per the visa requirements.

              I am fully committed to ensuring Emma’s well-being during her stay in the United States and will cover all her living expenses, including accommodation, domestic travel, and daily needs.

              I have attached the following documents to corroborate my invitation:

              • A copy of my passport and proof of residency.
              • Employment verification letter from Creative Minds, Inc.
              • Bank statements from the past three months as proof of financial stability.
              • A detailed itinerary of the activities planned during Emma’s stay.

              I kindly request that you consider Emma Dubois’s visa application favorably to allow her to experience the beauty and culture of the United States. Should you need any further information or clarification, please feel free to contact me directly at the phone number or email address provided above.

              Thank you very much for your attention to this request. I am looking forward to a positive response and to welcoming Emma to the United States.



              John Doe


              This letter is effective due to its clear and detailed presentation of information supporting the visa application. It includes essential details such as the purpose of the visit, duration, and accommodation arrangements, providing a comprehensive overview of the trip. The writer’s commitment to covering all expenses and ensuring the visitor’s compliance with visa requirements enhances the credibility of the invitation. Supporting documents, including proof of residency, employment verification, financial stability, and a detailed itinerary, further strengthen the invitation’s validity. The polite and formal tone throughout the letter contributes to its professionalism, while the offer of assistance for any additional information or clarification demonstrates willingness to cooperate with the visa process. Overall, the letter effectively presents a compelling case for the visa application, providing sufficient evidence of the visitor’s intent and the host’s support, making it a strong sample for extending invitations for visa purposes.

              This infographic is about the tips to write a visit visa invitation letter.
              This infographic is about the tips to write a visit visa invitation letter.

              Quick Tips

              When writing the letter, there are some considerations that you must observe to ensure you have a complete and adequate letter. Here are some of the tips you should have in mind when writing this letter:

              • Write using a pleasing and convincing tone
              • Be polite and stay positive throughout your letter
              • Provide all the required information about the invitation
              • Confirm that you have the correct details in the letter before sending it
              • Ensure you include all your essential contact details for more accessible communication with the embassy
              • If there is a provided format for writing this letter, ensure you follow it when writing your letter for a visa
              • If there is a deadline for this, ensure you send the letter earlier to give more time to the embassy to cross-check the information you have provided.

              Frequently Asked Questions

              What is an invitation letter for a visa?

              This letter is written to an embassy to enable you to invite your loved ones to visit a foreign country. It is an important document that is required by most countries. The letter provides information about you and allows a friend or family member to invite you into the country if you prove that you will care for them during their stay.

              Do you have to write an invitation letter?

              When inviting someone into a foreign country, most countries require an invitation letter for a visa alongside other application documents. It is, therefore, necessary to write this letter. Also, for other occasions like the ones mentioned in the article, it is a polite, personal, and sincere way of inviting a person, group, or company to attend your event or occasion.

              About This Article

              Zhaniece Hill
              Authored by:
              Human Resources Specialist | Masters of Business, MBA, BAS Operations Management and Supervision
              Zhaniece Hill, an accomplished author, and writer, possesses an extensive 9-year journey as a seasoned Human Resources professional. With a Master's degree in Business Administration, Hill's profound insights into human capital management have been shaped by a diverse background spanning public and private sectors. Expertise in talent acquisition, onboarding, employee engagement, and benefits define Hill's remarkable HR acumen. With an unyielding focus on results, Hill's legacy is characterized by innovative HR solutions that elevate employee satisfaction, retention, and overall business performance. Continuously seeking fresh challenges, Zhaniece Hill utilizes her expertise to create a lasting impact in the realm of HR.

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