Job Promotion Letter of Intent (Free Templates)

Job promotion is when an employee is awarded a title or superior job position in an organization, usually with an increased salary. Various reasons may prompt a job promotion, such as an employee’s long tenure in an organization, outstanding performance, or when there is an opening for a higher job position within the organization. Promotions in most organizations are usually awarded to the employee in response to their request or on the employer’s initiative.

A Letter of Intent for Job Promotion, also known as a “Promotion Request Letter,” is a letter sent by an employee to their employer requesting a promotion to a higher position or job title within the same organization.

It is meant to inform the employer of the position the employee is asking for as well as convince them of how such promotions would be beneficial to the organization.

Free Templates

Most companies require that any formal requests, such as job promotions, directed to management be made in writing. As such, it is important to know how to properly craft this letter.

Here are the steps to follow when writing it:

Free Job Promotion Letter of Intent Template 01 for Word File

Printable Job Promotion Letter of Intent Sample for Word File

Editable Job Promotion Letter of Intent Template 02 for Word File

    Make the intentions clear

    Employers usually get tons of letters every day. It is therefore recommended that, when writing it, you make your intentions clear in your first paragraph. Start by stating who you are, your job title, and why you are writing, and mention the position that you are requesting to be promoted to. Also, make sure to mention your current department and role to make it easier for the employer to understand who you are. This is especially important if you are requesting a promotion at a large company.

    Emphasize on qualifications

    Next, describe how your skills, experience, and qualifications suit the position that you are looking to be promoted to. If relevant, consider including your education details, work history, and any other unique skills and credentials that you have to increase your chances of being awarded the promotion.

    Describe accomplishments

    After mentioning why you are qualified for the position, mention some of the accomplishments that you have made in your current role in the organization. Since the letter is formal, we recommend that you use numbers to back up your claims.


    You may consider stating that you created a sales campaign that led to an 85% conversion and sales increase and oversaw an annual budget of $9 million. These figures are important as they help the employer understand why promoting you will be beneficial to their organization.

    Explain why you want the promotion

    Inform the employer why you are requesting to be promoted to another position. Include your career goals, professional plans, and how being promoted to that position will play a major role in helping you achieve them. It is important that, when explaining why you want the position, you convince the employer that you are ready to tackle all the duties and responsibilities that come with the position.

    Tell your worth

    Inform the employer how promoting you to the position you are requesting will benefit the company. Stating how such promotions will work for the company may help the employer when making their decision to promote you over other applicants.

    Close on a positive note

    The last step is to end the letter positively by thanking the employer/management for considering your job promotion request. It is important to note that job promotion requests may go either way. The decision is normally up to the employer or management to make. Either way, make sure to inform them that you are looking forward to their response, whether they decide to grant your request or not.

    It should have a standard business format and the tone used should be professional yet friendly.

    The template and sample below show the format, and tone that should be used when writing:

    Job Promotion Letter of Intent Template

    [Your Name]

    [Your Current Job Title]

    [Your Department/Unit]

    [Company Name]

    [Company Address]

    [City, State, Zip Code]

    [Email Address]

    [Phone Number]


    [Recipient’s Name or Hiring Manager’s Name]

    [Their Job Title]

    [Company Name]

    [Company Address]

    [City, State, Zip Code]

    Dear [Recipient’s Name or Hiring Manager’s Name],

    I am writing to formally express my interest in the [Name of the Position] position that has recently become available within [Name of Department/Unit]. Having dedicated [Number of Years] years to [Company Name] as a [Your Current Job Title], I have developed a comprehensive understanding of our operations, goals, and challenges. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to apply my skills and experiences to contribute to our team and company in a greater capacity.

    During my time with [Company Name], I have achieved [Briefly describe a significant achievement or project], which led to [mention the impact or result]. This experience, among others, has equipped me with a deep insight into [mention relevant skills, processes, or areas of expertise] necessary for the [Name of the Position] role. My commitment to excellence, coupled with my ability to [mention a key skill or attribute], makes me a strong candidate for this promotion.

    I am particularly drawn to this opportunity because [mention a reason related to the role, department, or company goals]. I am eager to bring my background in [mention relevant experience or area of expertise] and my [mention a key skill or attribute] to the [Name of the Position] position, where I can contribute to [mention a specific goal, project, or initiative related to the new role].

    In addition to my professional achievements, I have actively sought opportunities for professional development. [Mention any relevant training, certifications, or education]. I am confident that my proactive approach to growth and learning will enable me to quickly adapt to the demands of the [Name of the Position] role and drive further success for [Company Name].

    I am looking forward to the possibility of discussing this exciting opportunity with you. I am available at your convenience for an interview to further discuss how my experience, skills, and ambitions align with the needs of [Company Name] and the [Name of the Position] position. Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to contribute to our company’s success in a new and challenging role.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    [Your Name]

    [Your Current Job Title]

    Job Promotion Letter of Intent Sample

    Dear Mr. Clarkson,

    I hope this letter finds you well. With great enthusiasm and a deep commitment to the success of Innovative Tech Solutions, I am writing to express my interest in the recently announced Product Manager position within our Product Development Team. Having served as a Senior Associate in the team for over four years, I have been privileged to contribute to the development and launch of products that have significantly impacted our market standing and customer satisfaction. I am eager to bring my experience, insights, and passion for product innovation to the Product Manager role, where I can play a pivotal role in driving our products from conception to successful market launch.

    Throughout my tenure with Innovative Tech Solutions, I have consistently sought to enhance my skills and contribute to our team’s success. Notably, my leadership in the cross-functional collaboration for the XYZ project led to its on-time launch, 20% reduction in production costs, and a 30% increase in customer adoption within the first quarter. This experience underscored the importance of strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, and agile response to market trends—skills I am keen to leverage as a Product Manager.

    I am particularly drawn to this role’s emphasis on developing user-centric products that align with our strategic goals. My direct involvement in customer research initiatives has provided me with valuable insights into our users’ needs and preferences, enabling me to advocate for features that enhance user satisfaction and engagement. As a Product Manager, I am excited about the opportunity to further influence our product strategy and roadmap, ensuring we continue to deliver innovative solutions that meet and exceed our customers’ expectations.

    In preparation for advancing my career towards product management, I have completed a certification in Agile Product Management and actively participated in leadership training workshops offered by our HR department. These experiences have equipped me with the methodologies and leadership skills necessary to lead diverse teams towards achieving common goals.

    I am enthusiastic about the possibility of discussing how my background, skills, and aspirations align with the needs and vision of the Product Development Team. I am committed to contributing to the continued success and innovation of Innovative Tech Solutions and am eager to explore how I can do so in the capacity of a Product Manager.

    Thank you very much for considering my application for this exciting opportunity. I look forward to the possibility of further discussing my application with you.

    Warmest regards,

    Jane Doe

    Senior Associate, Product Development Team

    (555) 123-4567

    Key Takeaways

    This letter effectively conveys the applicant’s interest in the Product Manager position while showcasing their qualifications and enthusiasm for the role. Here’s why it’s effective:

    Clear Expression of Interest: The letter begins with a clear expression of interest in the Product Manager position, demonstrating the applicant’s enthusiasm for the opportunity.

    Relevant Experience Highlighted: The applicant highlights their relevant experience as a Senior Associate in the Product Development Team, emphasizing their contributions to successful product launches and their understanding of strategic planning and stakeholder engagement.

    Alignment with Company Goals: The applicant demonstrates their alignment with the company’s goals by emphasizing their focus on user-centric product development and their participation in customer research initiatives.

    Professional Development: The letter mentions the applicant’s proactive steps to advance their career, such as completing a certification in Agile Product Management and participating in leadership training workshops, showing their commitment to professional growth.

    Concise and Well-Structured: The letter is concise, well-structured, and free of unnecessary details, making it easy for the hiring manager to understand the applicant’s qualifications and motivations quickly.

    Overall, this letter effectively showcases the applicant’s qualifications, enthusiasm, and alignment with the company’s needs, making it a strong sample for expressing interest in a Product Manager position.

    Final Thoughts

    In most companies, you will be required to write a letter to the management or the employer informing them of your intent to be given a promotion. In some cases, however, it may not be a requirement. Nevertheless, it is important to always inform the employer in writing that you desire to be promoted to another position. This will show the employer/management that you are serious about the position, are also committed, and respect them enough to request their promotion in writing. Ensure that you follow the steps given in this guide and download a free template to help you out when you are writing the letter.

    About This Article

    William Lehr
    Authored by:
    Human Resources Specialist, MS Office Expert
    William Lehr combines a profound understanding of human resources with a certified expertise in Microsoft Office, making him a dual asset in any professional setting. With a keen insight into the intricacies of HR, William adeptly manages talent acquisition, employee relations, and organizational development. His Microsoft Office proficiency further amplifies his effectiveness, allowing him to design and implement seamless workflows, reports, and analytical tools. Whether it's optimizing HR processes or crafting efficient MS Office solutions, William's comprehensive skill set ensures that organizational objectives are met with precision and excellence.

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