How to Write a Letter of Introduction (with Examples)

Across the business world, people are gaining access to jobs, contracts, and networking opportunities by sending an important document. This document is called a letter of introduction, and it is different from cover letters, letters of recommendation, reference letters, and even job application letters.

This letter is just as important, and sometimes, depending on your industry and the purpose of the letter, more important than the above-mentioned letters. In this article, we will go over the definition of a letter of introduction, the importance of this letter, and how to write this letter.

What is a Letter of Introduction

It is a document written to someone in your industry to introduce yourself or another person to them to try to build a business relationship with them or to see if they can assist you in getting a job opportunity or connecting you with other people in your industry in relationships that could be mutually beneficial to both parties.

By this definition, a letter of introduction is a formal way of getting yourself known by people in your industry (usually influential people) without trying to run into them at the mall or in a coffee shop when they are trying to spend some time alone.

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    Impact of a Well-Written Letter of Introduction

    Many people are so focused on other types of letters, like cover letters and job application letters that they ignore the equally powerful introduction letter. This letter, when done well, can have a lot of impact on how the person on the other side views you.

    A good letter can tell the receiver, with a few words, that you are the right person for a job or that working with you could yield tremendous benefits for them. Either way, it helps the person make a key decision.

    On the other hand, a poorly written letter could be a serious hit on your credibility and show the person you are looking to work with that you are a terrible fit for them. So how do you write a proper introduction letter for the best benefit available?

    How to Write a Letter of Introduction

    Writing a good letter is just like cooking: even if you don’t know how to do it, you can pull it off with the right recipe.

    You can write a good introduction letter by following a few key steps:

    Write a suitable greeting

    The letter should be treated as a serious document and, as such, should not have lengthy greetings. A very short greeting like “Dear Jacob. I hope you are doing well” should be fine. Don’t start talking about families or golf to sound friendly. Many serious business people will dump your letter in the trash if you ramble too much.

    A brief introduction about yourself

    Think about what you do that is beneficial to the reader and focus on that for your introduction about yourself. Don’t add your hobbies, birthplace, or mother’s maiden name unless you are sure it is important to build the relationship you wish to build.


    , let’s say you are a freelance graphic designer, writing to the head of graphic design at a video game company you wish to work for. You can say:

    “My name is Jill West, and I am a freelance graphic designer with over 2 years’ experience in character design and cover art creation for video games.”

    An explanation about why you are writing the letter

    This part is very important, and you should spend most of your time here. When writing an explanation, you need to think deeply about why the person on the other end would need your services or your relationship as a business acquaintance. If you are a graphic designer and have noticed some errors in the current design of the company you are writing to, you might want to make a slight reference to them. Or maybe you have seen something that their competitors are doing that they are missing out on.

    Whatever it is, try writing in a way that shows that you are a person of value and that meeting with you would be a valuable one.

    Information and links to reach you

    This letter is written to prompt the person on the other end to want to meet with you, not to make the person hire you immediately. When written properly, the person on the other end will feel the need to contact you to get further information about you and your services. For this reason, you need to include your information, like a phone number or email address. You can also include a website of your portfolio for a quick review.

    A remark like “Best regards,” “Warm regards,” or “Looking forward to hearing from you” is a good closing remark to end the letter.

    pro tip

    Avoid writing generic letters and copying all of them to various people. Try to write a customized letter for every company executive you send, addressing specific problems in the company and how you plan to use your skills to solve them. You will get more responses that way.

    Template Letter of Introduction

    [Your Name]

    [Your Position/Title] (if applicable)

    [Your Contact Information] (optional)


    [Recipient’s Name]

    [Recipient’s Position/Title]

    [Company/Organization Name]

    [Company/Organization Address]

    [City, State, Zip Code]

    Dear [Recipient’s Name],

    I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am [your position, relationship to the recipient, or reason for writing if you are introducing yourself]. I am writing to you today to [briefly state the purpose of the letter, e.g., introduce a new team member, express interest in a job opportunity, propose a potential collaboration, etc.].

    [If introducing someone else:]

    I would like to introduce [Name of the person being introduced], who has recently joined [Your Company/Organization Name] as a [Position of the person being introduced]. [Name] comes to us with an extensive background in [briefly describe the person’s background, experience, or relevant achievements]. I believe [Name] will be a valuable addition to our team and can significantly contribute to [specific project, goal, or the recipient’s needs].

    [If introducing yourself:]

    I am reaching out to introduce myself and to express my interest in [specific opportunity, area of collaboration, or reason for reaching out]. With a background in [briefly describe your background, experience, or relevant achievements], I am eager to explore how my expertise can align with the goals of [Recipient’s Company/Organization Name] or how we might work together in the future.

    [Optional: Next Steps or Call to Action]

    I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this further with you at your convenience. [If introducing someone else, you might add: “I have asked [Name] to reach out to you directly to schedule a meeting.” If introducing yourself, consider: “I am available for a meeting or a call at your convenience to discuss potential synergies between our work.”]

    Please find attached [mention any attachments, e.g., resume, portfolio, business proposal, etc.]. I look forward to the possibility of working together and am happy to provide any additional information needed.

    Thank you for considering this introduction. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Warm regards,

    [Your Signature] (if sending a hard copy)

    [Your Typed Name]

    [Your Position/Title] (if applicable)

    [Your Contact Information] (optional)

    Types of Introduction Letter

    It gives the reader an idea about the person that you’re introducing. The good thing about an introductory letter is that it can be as elaborate as you choose, with no restrictions. You can introduce yourself, a second person, or even your company and services to the reader, giving them an overview of who you are and what you do.

    There are different types of introduction letters, as discussed below :

    Introduction on your behalf

    This type of letter is written to introduce yourself to a businessperson you wish to help you get opportunities with or make acquaintances with. In this letter type, you can give detailed information about your qualifications, and services and promote your ideas that may be beneficial to the reader. You must be able to describe yourself in the best light and also capture the reader’s attention.

    An example of such a letter is given below:

    Sample letter

    Dear Professor Lee,

    I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. My name is Dr. Alex Rivera, and I am an Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Green Earth, where I specialize in sustainable urban development and green infrastructure projects. I have followed your work and the initiatives of the Global Innovation Institute with great interest, particularly your recent projects on renewable energy solutions for urban areas.

    The purpose of my writing to you today is to explore the possibility of a collaborative effort between our institutions. I believe that a partnership could leverage our mutual interests in sustainable urban planning and significantly contribute to the advancement of practical, eco-friendly solutions in our cities.

    My recent projects include the development of a rainwater harvesting system designed for urban residential areas and a study on the impact of green roofs on air quality in metropolitan environments. I am keen to discuss how these projects might align with your current research interests and explore areas where we could collaborate, perhaps in joint research initiatives, shared grant applications, or co-authoring articles for publication.

    I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss this further with you at your convenience. I am available for a meeting or a call to delve into potential synergies between our work and to identify specific areas where a collaboration could be most fruitful. Please find attached my curriculum vitae, which provides a detailed overview of my projects and publications.

    Thank you very much for considering this proposal for collaboration. I am excited about the prospect of combining our expertise to contribute to meaningful and impactful research in the field of sustainable development. I look forward to the possibility of working together and am happy to provide any additional information needed.

    Warm regards,

    Dr. Alex Rivera

    Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences

    University of Green Earth

    Introduction on behalf of someone else

    This type is written on behalf of another party. The writer serves as a guarantor for the person on whose behalf they are writing. To write an excellent introduction letter on behalf of someone else, you must know that person’s best traits and polish them to captivate the reader’s attention.

    An example is given below:

    Sample letter

    Dear Thomas,

    I hope this message finds you well. It’s been a while since we last caught up at the Global Tech Symposium, and I hope all is progressing well with your projects at Advanced Solutions Group.

    I am writing to you today to introduce a remarkable individual, Jamie Lin, who has recently concluded an internship with us at Tech Innovations Inc. Jamie graduated with honors in Computer Science from Stanford University and has shown exceptional skill and dedication in the field of software development, particularly in AI and machine learning applications.

    During Jamie’s time with us, they contributed significantly to the development of our AI-driven analytics platform, showcasing not only technical expertise but also a remarkable ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams. Jamie’s innovative approach and problem-solving skills have been invaluable to our project’s success, and I have no doubt they will bring the same level of excellence and dedication to any future endeavors.

    Given your company’s leading work in AI solutions and Jamie’s interest in applying their skills to innovative projects, I thought it prudent to make this introduction. I believe Jamie would be an excellent fit for your team, and their skill set aligns well with the pioneering work being done at Advanced Solutions Group.

    Jamie is currently exploring new opportunities where they can further develop and apply their skills. I have attached Jamie’s resume for your consideration and would be happy to provide any additional information or facilitate a meeting between you two.

    Thank you for considering this introduction. I believe that Jamie could significantly contribute to your team and that Advanced Solutions Group could provide the challenging and innovative environment Jamie is seeking.

    Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions or need further details. I look forward to the possibility of seeing Jamie thrive in an environment as dynamic and forward-thinking as yours.

    Best regards,

    Maria Gonzalez

    Director of Engineering

    Tech Innovations Inc.

    Email introduction

    When writing an email, you have to pay specific attention to the headline of the email. Write a headline that will prompt the reader to open it.
    For the example we’ve been using, you can write a headline like “Graphic design for XXXX company” to get the attention of the receiver.

    Sample letter

    Subject: Introduction – Exploring Collaboration Opportunities in Renewable Energy

    Dear Dr. Thompson,

    I hope this email finds you well. My name is Jordan Lee, and I am a Renewable Energy Consultant with GreenTech Innovations, based in San Francisco. I recently came across your insightful article on the future of solar energy technologies in the “Innovative Energy Journal,” and I was truly impressed by your forward-thinking approach and the practical applications of your research.

    With over five years of experience in the renewable energy sector, focusing primarily on solar and wind energy projects, I have developed a keen interest in how emerging technologies can be integrated into existing energy systems to enhance efficiency and sustainability. My work has involved collaborating with technology developers, policy makers, and academic researchers to pilot innovative energy solutions in urban environments.

    Given the alignment of our interests and expertise, I am reaching out to explore the possibility of collaborating with you. I believe that combining our knowledge and networks could lead to impactful advancements in renewable energy applications. Specifically, I am interested in discussing potential joint research initiatives or co-authoring a paper on the integration challenges and opportunities for solar technologies in urban areas.

    I will be in Boston for the Renewable Energy Conference next month, from the 15th to the 17th, and I wonder if you might be available for a coffee or a brief meeting. It would be a great opportunity to discuss our mutual interests in person and explore how we might collaborate effectively.

    Please find attached my resume and a summary of a recent project I led, which I believe might be of interest to you. I am very much looking forward to the opportunity to discuss this further.

    Thank you for considering my proposal, and I hope to hear from you soon.

    Best regards,

    Jordan Lee

    Renewable Energy Consultant

    GreenTech Innovations

    (555) 123-4567

    Uses of Introduction Letters

    An introduction letter is important to the following groups of people:

    Job seekers

    Job seekers can build solid connections and even get jobs directly by attaching a good introduction letter. It is also extremely effective for job seekers when done by someone in authority in an attempt to connect them with other major players in the industry.

    Real estate

    Real estate agencies can send letters of introduction to leads in an attempt to get them to work with them to buy, sell, and rent properties for the customer. If you have been able to generate powerful leads in the industry, the next thing you should consider doing is sending them an introduction letter to open the lines of communication between you and the prospective customer.


    As seen in the example above, freelancers can get great jobs and opportunities by sending letters of introduction to companies and agencies they wish to work with. They can also rely on help from big influences in the industry to help them get introduced to other major players in the industry they work in.

    Business-to-business sales

    Business executives can open lines of communication with one another by sending letters of introduction. These letters are aimed at other executives in companies they wish to work with and can help build great business relationships.

    Searching for new distributors

    For companies that wish to expand their sales into new states or cities, sending this letter to established distributors is a good way to start a business relationship between both parties. The distributors can help you sell more of your products in the new city you wish to venture into.

    Tips and Tricks for You

    There are some additional spices or tricks you can add to your recipe to make it tastier to the recipient:

    Do a proper analysis

    Before sending this letter, think about why the company needs your services. Learn more about the company you wish to work for and try to identify the key people to send your letter to. If possible, call to find out who is in charge of the department you want to work in and try to send that person the letter directly.

    Try to know the company culture

    Knowledge of the company culture can be really helpful in writing a specific letter that will resonate with the person you are writing it to.

    Keep it brief and to the point

    Many company executives are busy people. They don’t have time to read about your family history or why your mother, who needs surgery, needs the money. Be brief and remove everything that does not directly address why you are sending them the letter.

    Tell about your purpose first

    Hit the nail on the head. Tell them the reason why you are writing the letter to them as soon as possible because many executives will scan your letter, and if they don’t find a purpose, they will dump it.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long should an introduction letter be?

    As long as it needs to be. Ensure you don’t write one extra word more than is required. Generally, two to three paragraphs apart from the greeting should do the job.

    Is a letter of introduction the same as a cover letter?

    No, a cover letter is usually written along with an application or resume. A letter of introduction is a standalone document.


    If you follow the steps outlined in this article, you should have no problem writing a killer introduction letter. Remember to spend some time researching the company and the company executive you wish to write to. It also helps to outline the services you can provide and how you think they can be helpful to the company.

    About This Article

    Michael R. Lewis
    Authored by:
    Business Writing | BBA, Industrial Management
    Michael R. Lewis is a retired corporate executive, entrepreneur, and investment advisor based in Texas. With over 40 years of experience in business and finance, he has gained valuable insights and expertise in the field. Michael served as a Vice President for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, where he played a pivotal role in driving organizational success and growth. Known for his exceptional business writing skills, he has become an authority in effectively communicating complex concepts to diverse audiences. His extensive knowledge and experience make him a sought-after advisor for businesses seeking guidance in strategic decision-making, financial planning, and overall business operations. Michael holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree in Industrial Management from the prestigious University of Texas at Austin.

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