Parent’s Permission Letter for Picnic (School Events)

A permission letter for a picnic is a formal letter written by school authorities (mainly teachers) to obtain consent from a child’s parents so that the student can attend a picnic.

School authorities must write this letter to inform the parents of the school event. It should be written in a polite, respectful, and formal way.

The law requires you to seek consent to travel or be in the company of a child without the presence of their parents or guardians. That is why this parent’s permission letter for a picnic is important to write. It must be well-crafted, and the parent must sign it before you can take the specific child along for the picnic.

It allows parents to understand the particular school event that their child might attend. It also gives them a choice as to whether their child will attend the event or not. That means that school authorities should avoid writing a coercive letter and focus on helping the parent understand how beneficial the school event will be for their child.

It is best to include all the information about the school event in it. This entails the date, the place, the time the picnic will start, when it will end, and the supervising authorities that will be present with the student(s). Some permission letters can even request that parents join their children. Ensure that, as you write one, you have included all relevant information that the child’s parents should know.


Free Editable Parents' Permission Letter for Picnic Template for Word Format
Free Editable Parents' Permission Letter for Picnic Sample for Word Format

    How to Format a Permission Letter

    There is a standard way that you can use to write and format a permission letter. The steps provided below will ensure that you have a proper formal letter that contains all the required information. Also, it will make sure that you help the recipient understand all about the event, which will help convince them to allow you to take their child to the picnic.

    Here is how you should format it:


    The address is an essential part of every official letter.

    The address should include your name and contact details, the date, the receiver’s name, and contact information. In addition, you should include both the sender’s address, which is you, and the receiver’s address, which is the parent of the child.  


    The next part is the greeting or salutation. The letter must have proper greetings, as it shows respect to the recipient.


    “Dear Parents,” as it is official and respectful.


    The subject should be written just below the address. It acts as the title of the letter that informs the parents of the reason for the letter. It should not be lengthy, and the best way to do so is by writing a subject line of at least 6 or 7 words.


    The next part is the introduction, which must include the information listed below:

    • Briefly introduce yourself: You should first mention your name and introduce yourself. This will help the recipient understand who the sender of the letter is, and that also makes you seem trustworthy.
    • Announce the picnic: The next step is to announce the picnic. Explain to the parent that the school is hosting or preparing a picnic for the students. This is also the part where you need to specify if the event is for students only or if the parents can attend too.


    The next part is the body paragraph(s) that should entail the details mentioned below:

    • Explain the purpose of the picnic: After informing that the school is planning a picnic, you need to help them understand why the event is important. Some of the reasons could be that it is meant to create teamwork among the students or celebrate a special occasion.
    • Include the details: You should then proceed to give the parents more details about the picnic. This includes the date, time, and location of the picnic. You can also give details of the activities that will happen, such as games, eating and even painting.
      You also need to inform the parents about the means of transport and how the students will get to the event and go back home. Also, the parents should know of the plans you have in case the weather is unfavorable that day. This may include rescheduling or changing locations.
    • Make requests: You can ask the parents for things that their students need to bring with them, for instance, food or playing items. You can also request that the students wear warm clothing or dress lightly depending on the weather and wear tennis shoes instead of flip-flops. The type of requests also depends on whether the parents are allowed to attend the event or not.
    • Include a permission slip: It is important to include a permission slip at the end of the letter as it provides parents with a place to sign and give their consent. That way, if the permission slip is signed, you will be able to track how many students will be attending the picnic, making it easier to plan for the event.


    After completing the letter and including the permission slip, you can now end it by including the following information:

    • Add signature: Ensure you include your name and your signature at the end of the letter.
    • Provide contact information: You can also provide your contact information that can be used to communicate with you.

    Sample Letters 

    As a school administrator, you are bound to be busy, and at times you could even get caught up with work. That is why you need an easier way of preparing a permission letter to obtain consent for a student to attend the picnic. With a pre-made template, it gets easier to write.

    Following are a few samples and templates regarding this:


    Here is a fillable template:

    our Name

    Your Address

    Your City, State Zip Code

    Your Phone Number

    Your Email






    City, State, Zip Code

    Dear Parent,

    Re: Permission Letter for Picnic

    Your child ______________ (name of the child) is enrolled in our school. We do take students for picnics now and then. The purpose of the picnics is basically to let them bond with other like-minded students in our school district.

    In about a ___________ (timing of the next picnic) time, we shall hold a picnic at ___________ (venue), which shall last from ______________ (time) to _____________ (time) on ______________ (mm/dd/yyyy).

    We ask you to allow us to take your child to the event. As a sign of commitment, you are required to pay ______________ (amount) over and above responding to this letter. All official responses are to be received no later than _________________ (deadline).

    Always feel free to get to us with any issues, as we are very enthusiastic to answer all of them promptly.


    Signature (hard copy letter)

    FirstName LastName

    sample 01

    Dear Mr. and Mrs. Thompson,

    I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of an upcoming school picnic for our 5th-grade students, scheduled for June 15th, 20XX, at Green Meadow Park. This event aims to provide a day of fun, outdoor activities, and social interaction outside the classroom environment.

    Your son, Jacob, has expressed great interest in participating. We believe this picnic will be a valuable experience for him, fostering teamwork and camaraderie among his peers. Rest assured, our staff will ensure a safe and supervised environment throughout the day.

    Please sign and return the attached permission slip by June 8th, 20XX, if you consent to Jacob’s participation. Feel free to contact me for any further information or clarification.


    Ms. Emily Carter

    5th Grade Teacher

    Sunnydale Elementary School

    sample 02

    Dear Mrs. Patel,

    Greetings from Maplewood High School! We are organizing a school picnic for our 10th-grade students on July 20th, 20XX, at the picturesque Riverside Campgrounds. This excursion is an excellent opportunity for students to bond and enjoy nature.

    We would be delighted if your daughter, Anjali, could join us. The day will be filled with various activities, including team-building games and a nature walk. Our experienced teachers and staff members will be present to supervise and assist the students.

    To grant permission for Anjali’s participation, kindly complete and return the enclosed consent form by July 10th, 20XX. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.

    Warm regards,

    Mr. John Davis

    10th Grade Coordinator

    Maplewood High School

    sample 03

    Dear Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez,

    I am excited to announce that our kindergarten class at Little Stars Preschool is planning a picnic at Sunshine City Zoo on August 5th, 20XX. This trip is designed to be an educational and enjoyable experience for our little ones.

    We would love for your child, Mia, to be part of this adventure. The day will include guided zoo tours, fun educational activities, and a picnic lunch. Our team will provide constant supervision and care for all children.

    Please fill out and return the attached permission slip by July 28th, 20XX, if you agree to Mia’s participation. For any queries or additional details, feel free to contact me.

    Best regards,

    Ms. Laura Gonzalez

    Kindergarten Teacher

    Little Stars Preschool


    The sample letters provided are excellent examples for someone looking to write a similar letter seeking parental permission for a school event.

    Here’s an analysis of how they are structured and the elements they include, making them useful guides:

    • Professional Yet Approachable Tone: Each letter strikes a balance between formality and friendliness. This is crucial in school-parent communications, as it maintains professionalism while also being warm and inviting. The tone is respectful and considerate, which helps in building trust with the parents.
    • Clear Purpose and Details: The writers clearly state the purpose of the letter at the outset – informing parents about a school picnic and seeking their permission. They include specific details like the date, location, and nature of the event (e.g., “Green Meadow Park,” “Riverside Campgrounds,” “Sunshine City Zoo”). This clarity helps parents make an informed decision.
    • Benefits and Educational Value: Each letter highlights the benefits of the picnic, such as fostering teamwork, enjoying nature, or educational opportunities. This is important as it reassures parents about the value of the event for their child’s development.
    • Safety and Supervision Assurance: Acknowledging parental concerns about safety, the writers assure that the school staff will provide a safe and supervised environment. This is a key aspect that can alleviate any apprehensions parents might have.
    • Actionable Request and Deadline: The writers include a specific request (to fill out and return a permission slip) and a deadline for doing so. This clear call to action is essential in eliciting a timely response from parents.
    • Openness to Communication: Each letter ends with an invitation to contact the writers for further information. This openness encourages a dialogue between parents and the school, fostering a collaborative relationship.
    • Professional Sign-Off: The writers end the letters with a courteous sign-off, their full name, and their position. This reinforces the professional nature of the communication.

    For someone writing a similar letter, these elements serve as a comprehensive guide. They cover the necessary information, tone, and structure to effectively communicate with parents and seek their cooperation for a school event.

    Best Practices to Follow

    There are a few tips that you should observe when writing a permission letter for a picnic. The information listed below is about the best practices that, if adhered to, will help you write a powerful, effective, and convincing letter to a student’s parents to allow their child to attend the picnic.

    Be polite

    It is best to be polite throughout the letter. You can achieve this by using phrases like “may I”, “shall I,” and “could I.”

    Be clear and to the point

    Ensure you are clear and straight to the point by announcing the school picnic at the very beginning of the letter. That way, the parent is aware of the letter’s purpose immediately after they start reading it.

    Be concise

    You also need to learn how to compile your information into a concise letter. It should be brief and still contain all the required information.


    After writing the letter, it is best to edit and proofread it. Sending a letter that is full of grammar and spelling mistakes will make you seem unprofessional.

    Final Words

    A permission letter for a picnic is an essential and official letter that school authorities must write to seek consent from a student’s parents for them to attend a school picnic. This letter is a requirement of the law, and you must have a signed copy if you are to travel with the child. You can use our customized templates and sample letters as a guide on how to write a proper one. Ensure that it includes all the required information to make it effective and convincing enough for the parents.

    About This Article

    Alexander Ruiz
    Authored by:
    Educational Consulting, Test Prep Tutoring, College Application Consulting
    Alexander Ruiz stands as the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute in Claremont, California, a distinguished establishment offering tailored educational plans, specialized subject and test prep tutoring, and comprehensive college application consulting. With a rich experience spanning over a decade and a half in the education sector, Alexander's approach transcends traditional teaching. He empowers students not just academically, but also fosters self-awareness and emotional intelligence, essential tools for holistic development. Alexander's academic credentials, a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University, further enhance his ability to guide students towards their academic and personal aspirations.

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