Asking Permission to Leave School Early (Letter & Application)

It is a request letter written to seek permission to leave school earlier than the specified departure time. The letter indicates the reason that prompts you to leave school early and is filed with official records once submitted.

This letter is a way of communicating your intention to miss certain classes or lectures for justified reasons. The letter is important since most schools have strict rules concerning absenteeism based on missing classes without reasonable cause. Schools are generally responsible for your presence inside them during official hours; therefore, informing the school officials about your absence for a specific period is a good way of exempting them from legal liability in unforeseen situations.

This letter can be written by any student who wants to leave school before the stipulated hours are over temporarily. The letter can be written for multiple reasons, such as illness or the death of a loved one. While most schools will not reject the request to leave school early, it is still your responsibility to present a proper and formal letter.

This article will look into the circumstances that can necessitate a letter requesting permission to leave school early and how to write a persuasive letter in such a case.

Free Samples

Free Printable Senior Student Permission Letter to Leave School Early Sample for Word Format

Free Printable Third Year Student Permission Letter to Leave School Early Sample for Word Format

    Reasons to Write Permission Letter to Leave School Early

    There are diverse reasons you may need a permission letter for an early leave from school. While the list of reasons cannot be exhausted as every situation is unique, below are the common reasons why students seek it:

    You are feeling sick

    Medical discomforts are among the top reasons you can seek this permission. Therefore, should you develop stomach issues, headaches, or any other illness during school hours, you can write a letter to the administration or relevant authority to request to go home and get the necessary care.

    You have an appointment with a doctor 

    The importance of attending a doctor’s appointment cannot be underestimated by school authorities. Students can thus hand in a permission letter in order to leave school early and attend their doctor’s appointments. If the appointment is expected to last longer than a couple of hours or affect your concentration afterward, you may consider handing in the letter the day before the appointment. Note that you will often have to present a doctor’s report when you return.

    A family member is sick or hospitalized 

    Another situation that may prompt you to seek permission to leave early from school is when you have to respond to a family member’s medical emergency. This will usually be in cases where the sick person is a close relative, such as a sibling or parent.

    You are mentally disturbed 

    You can request to leave school early whenever you feel you’re mentally in a bad place. Most schools will not object to mental health-related requests. However, always be prepared for the school’s offers to assist but remember that you are not obligated to accept the offer.

    For sports practice

    If you take part in a certain sport, you can use it to your advantage and request an absence to carry out your activities as part of a team. You can request to leave early to undertake practice or rehearsal for an upcoming competition.

    You have to attend a family event

    Do you want to attend a family function that is important to you? This can be enough to get you permission. However, keep in mind that the school will weigh the significance of the event. Events such as wakes, burials, and memorials are often prioritized.

    Other possible reasons

    The reasons mentioned above are just a few of the numerous reasons you may want to consider writing a letter requesting permission. Other reasons include send-offs, reunions with family members, emergencies such as robbery at home, etc.

    How to Write a Letter Asking Permission to Leave School Early

    Once you have come across a situation that requires you to take early leave from school. You can proceed to write the letter. The objective of the letter should be to persuade the person responsible for approving leave at the school to grant you their permission.

    In order to ensure this is achieved, below is a guide that outlines the writing procedure that increases your chances of getting approval:

    Write the header

    You should start your letter with a header. The header starts with the date, followed by the recipient’s name and the school’s official address. Note that the letter can be addressed to a person, teacher, lecturer, or office (office of the principal). The header should always be aligned to the left. 

    Write the subject line

    Below the header, you should provide a concise subject line that declares the topic of the letter. The subject should be simple and only a few words long.


    A widely acceptable subject line for this permission letter can be “Request to Leave School Early.”

    Add a salutation

    A salutation follows the subject line. The salutation should reflect the accorded respect of the recipient. You can format the salutation as “Dear [title]” or “Dear sir/madam.”

    Briefly introduce yourself as a student

    After the salutation, you should provide an introductory paragraph to let the recipient know who you are. Chances are they don’t know you, as they handle a lot of students. In brief, mention your name and class.

    State the purpose of the letter

    Once the recipient has become acquainted with you, let them know the purpose of the letter. This information can be given in the first paragraph as well. State the purpose in one or two sentences and avoid including irrelevant information.

    Give reason(s) for your early leave

    Next, outline your reason(s) for wanting to leave school early. Aim to give this information as directly as possible. Over-explaining may come off as a deceitful attempt to manipulate the recipient to approve your request. However, you can mention supporting facts such as appointment date, hospital name, etc. in case you have a doctor’s appointment to attend.

    Specify the return date if needed

    In the third paragraph, indicate the date you expect to return to school. The duration of leave will vary from one situation to another. Therefore, ensure to request a duration long enough to meet your obligations or situation.


    Some leaves can be a few hours or a week long

    Express your gratitude

    After stating your request, you can express your gratitude to the recipient for reviewing your letter and considering your request. A message of appreciation can boost your chances of approval.

    Sign off

    Lastly, you should sign off on the letter. You can sign off by providing a complimentary close, followed by your name and your signature in that order.

    Sample Letters

    Two formal letters requesting permission for an early departure are presented in the section that follows. The letters emphasize the importance of polite and well-written correspondence in these situations. 

    Sample 01

    Dear Principal Williams,

    I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request your permission to leave school early on the upcoming Friday. This request is due to a unique opportunity that I have been given to participate in a community service project organized by the local charity “Helping Hands.” This project, which focuses on aiding the elderly in our neighborhood, aligns closely with the values of social responsibility and community involvement that our school encourages.

    The project involves interacting with the elderly, assisting them in their homes, and engaging in various activities planned for their benefit. Participating in this will not only allow me to contribute positively to our community but also provide me with invaluable real-world experience. Furthermore, this project would help me fulfill the community service hours required for our school’s service-learning program.

    I understand the importance of academic commitment and assure you that I will compensate for the missed classes by consulting with my teachers and catching up on the coursework. I believe this experience will complement my academic learning by providing practical insights into community service and social responsibility.

    Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to your positive response.


    Emily Johnson

    sample 02

    Dear Principal Thompson,

    I am writing to request your permission to leave school early next Tuesday. This early departure is necessary due to a medical appointment with my doctor. As you may know, I have been managing a recurring health condition that requires regular monitoring and consultation. This appointment is a crucial part of my ongoing treatment plan and has been scheduled by my doctor to assess my current health status and adjust my treatment accordingly.

    I assure you that this appointment has been scheduled at a time that minimizes disruption to my school schedule. However, it is imperative for me to attend, as it plays a significant role in ensuring my well-being and ability to continue my studies effectively. I am committed to maintaining my academic responsibilities and will take all necessary steps to catch up on any missed work or assignments.

    I will coordinate with my teachers to ensure that I understand and complete any material covered during my absence. I appreciate your understanding and support in prioritizing my health, and I am dedicated to making sure this does not negatively impact my academic performance.

    Thank you for your consideration of this matter. I am hopeful for a favorable response.

    Yours sincerely,

    Jacob Miller


    The letters presented above serve as useful examples for readers looking to understand the nuances of crafting a formal request for early school leave. The writers have adeptly utilized key technical aspects to enhance the effectiveness and professionalism of their communication.

    Firstly, both letters adopt a respectful and formal tone, which is crucial in addressing school authorities. The use of polite salutations and closing statements such as “Sincerely” and “Yours sincerely” sets a tone of respect and formality. This approach is essential in formal correspondence, especially when making requests.

    The structure of the letters is another commendable aspect. Each letter is organized into three concise paragraphs, adhering to the classic format of introduction, body, and conclusion. This structure aids in clarity and ensures that the reader can follow the argument easily. The introductory paragraph in each letter effectively sets the context of the request, while the body provides detailed reasons for the early leave, demonstrating the writer’s awareness of the importance of a well-substantiated request.

    Moreover, the writers show a keen understanding of the importance of providing a legitimate and compelling reason for their request. These reasons are not only valid but also presented in a way that aligns with the values and priorities of the school. This strategic alignment shows the writers’ ability to craft a persuasive argument.

    Another key feature is the assurance of responsibility for academic commitments. Both letters include promises to catch up on missed work, demonstrating the writers’ understanding of the importance of maintaining academic responsibilities. This aspect is crucial in persuading the reader that granting the request will not negatively impact the student’s academic performance.

    In conclusion, these letters are useful guides for readers seeking to understand how to effectively communicate formal requests in an educational setting.

    Download Templates    

    template 01

    Respected Mr. or Mrs. Last Name:

    Re: Permission to Leave School Early Letter

    I am duly enrolled in the department of _______________ (name of department) at your institution _____________ (name the institution). At present, I am in year ________________ (year of study).

    Now, I do have a chronic illness ______________ (name of the illness) which I have to attend to. As part of its treatment and mitigation, I have to visit the doctor at _____________ (specify the time) which is around _____________ (specify the duration) hours before the end of the school session.

    I therefore ask you to consider my case in a positive light. Enclosed in this envelope are certified copies of my doctor’s reports, which I hope will serve to build my case.

    For any urgent matters, reach me at XXX-XXX-XXXX.


    Signature (hard copy letter)

    FirstName LastName

    template 02

    Subject: Your Name – Permission to Leave School Early Letter

    Dear Mr. /Ms. Last Name:

    As you know, I am a student in your institution ____________ (specify it). My registration number is _________ (specify the number) while my department is _______________ (specify the department).

    I am unable to attend all classes through to the end in this coming semester. The main reason underlying this unfortunate fact is that I have __________________ (nature of the problem) which I have to attend to every day from _____________ (specify the time) onwards.

    This being the case, I now ask you to kindly consider exempting me from all classes that transpire at that time.

    Could it be that you still want to speak to me verbally? Reach me on XXX-XXX-XXXX.


    Your name

    Special Considerations

    The following tips can help our readers write a permission letter that they can use to take an early leave from school:

    Be honest

    As much as possible, always try to request the letter for genuine reasons. Sometimes schools may decide to follow up, and should they find out you were being dishonest, this may ruin your chances of being permitted in the future. This can be more disheartening if the reason at that time is genuine.

    Be concise

    The letter does not have to be too detailed or long. A short, clear-cut letter will usually work effectively.

    Give important details

    Regardless of the reason that necessitates your temporary absenteeism, always give any essential information that can help the recipient decide whether to approve the request. Indicating the date of absenteeism and return date are good examples of important details in a letter.

    Write a formal letter

    Always address the letter formally and use a formal tone, regardless of how close you are to the recipient. Remember that the letter will often go to your file as an official document.

    Do not use complicated words

    Avoid using unsophisticated words and phrases when requesting something through the letter. It is imperative to make sure that the recipient can understand what you want and why you want it. The use of complicated language will often reduce your chances of getting permission.

    Proofread the letter

    Always aim to present an error-free permission letter. Once you’ve written the final draft, go through it and correct any spelling and grammatical errors. Also, check the format and ensure you used the correct margins and spacing.

    Final Thoughts

    It is important to ensure you communicate with the school’s authority whenever you intend to be away from school during official hours. A permission letter to leave school early is the formal way to notify your teacher or management. While schools will rarely deny you permission, aspects such as timing come into consideration.
    Always try to be absent at a time when there are no exams or official school functions. Once given permission, opt to catch up with other students when you return, for example, writing notes for classes you have missed. Also, try to avoid asking for permission to be absent too often, as this reduces your chances of getting approval as time goes by.

    About This Article

    Alexander Ruiz
    Authored by:
    Educational Consulting, Test Prep Tutoring, College Application Consulting
    Alexander Ruiz stands as the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute in Claremont, California, a distinguished establishment offering tailored educational plans, specialized subject and test prep tutoring, and comprehensive college application consulting. With a rich experience spanning over a decade and a half in the education sector, Alexander's approach transcends traditional teaching. He empowers students not just academically, but also fosters self-awareness and emotional intelligence, essential tools for holistic development. Alexander's academic credentials, a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University, further enhance his ability to guide students towards their academic and personal aspirations.

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