Best Sales Cover Letter Examples | How to Write

A sales cover letter is written to the hiring manager to highlight the qualifications and experience of an applicant who is applying for a sales position.

It also shows the skills of the applicant in selling themselves to the hiring manager.

Desiring to establish a career in sales and marketing? Well, you have to draft a cover letter and send it to the hiring manager along with your resume. For a start, a cover letter is basically an introductory explanation that summarizes the contents of your resume. It showcases your own suitability for the vacant position and your past achievements, which might make you stand out from the crowd.

It is quite hard to sell yourself to the hiring manager for this position. That is because such jobs do attract many applicants. It requires almost no post-secondary qualification and is an entry-level position. At any given time, you will be competing with many other potential applicants out there. It is for this reason that you want to treat your application process seriously.

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    How to Professionally Write a Sales Cover Letter

    A strong cover letter can be an applicant’s determinant of whether they will get the job. This article will provide a guide with the basic steps you can follow when writing one. It will discuss all the key elements and the order in which they are to appear in the letter.

    Step 1: Letterhead

    The first element is a formal letterhead. The letterhead is meant to identify the sender and recipient of the letter.

    The following information should be provided: 

    Add your contact information

    Firstly, show your personal details. Write down the following details: your full name, physical address, and contact details. Ensure to write down your phone number and email address. You can also add a link to your LinkedIn profile.

    Date of writing

    After stating your personal details, state the date when the cover letter was written. A cover letter ought to be dated for reference and record-keeping purposes. Remember, the letter goes into your employee file if you get the job.

    Include the company’s details

    The letter should then indicate the recipient, the hiring manager of the company, in this case. Indicate the recruiting officer’s (hiring manager) name and their position in the company. After, the name of the company and the official mailing address should follow. 

    Step 2: Introduction

    The letter should have a professional introduction that comprises a formal salutation and an introductory paragraph. The introduction is an effective way of grasping the hiring manager’s interest.

    Start with an opening greeting or salutation

    When writing the salutation, address the hiring manager accordingly. Opt to use “Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms” followed by their last name. Always try to avoid generic salutations. If you do not know the hiring manager’s name, consider doing some research to find out. 

    Write the introductory paragraph

    Next, write the introductory paragraph by presenting yourself as the most suitable candidate for the vacancy. The paragraph should be structured to engage and spark curiosity in the hiring manager, creating interest in wanting to know more. Including a major achievement in any of your previous jobs can be highly effective in getting the recruiter’s attention. However, avoid stating facts that you have already presented in the resume. 

    Step 3: Body

    The next step is writing the body section. Salespeople are tasked with communicating the value of a company’s products and services to customers. This typically involves engaging with customers and being persuasive. The body of the letter should outline how you are able to execute the responsibilities by outlining the following.

    Include examples of the value you’d bring to the team

    Start by illustrating the quantifiable value you bring to the company. This can be provided by including examples of the results you were able to achieve in your previous job. Use figures or statistical data to represent outcomes. Sales is a results-driven profession; the hiring manager will want to see that indeed you are able to convert marketing strategies into sales.


    Instead of stating “The campaign was successful,” illustrate how successful it was: “Converted 200 prospects into paying customers”.

    State reasons why this job is ideal for you

    Next, outline why you would be a good fit for the job position. This is where you outline the skills, academic qualifications, and personal traits that contribute to the effective execution of your responsibilities as a salesperson. Ensure that you provide skills and qualifications that are relevant to the job.

    Review the job description and choose the skills to include under the description. Some of the skills to consider are:

    • Persuasive speaking
    • Negotiation
    • Interpersonal skills
    • Communication skills
    • Time management skills, etc

    Also, declare your interest in the job and the specifics about the job and company that appeal to you the most.

    Describe your past accomplishments and achievements 

    Subsequently, outline your professional achievements. This includes promotions, certifications, successful projects, and notable events in your previous jobs that can further market you to the hiring manager. Keep the accomplishments relevant to the job at hand.

    Step 4: Conclusion

    The last step is providing a conclusion. The conclusion should contain the following details:

    Add a closing paragraph

    Write a closing paragraph that encourages the hiring manager to invite you for an in-person interview. You can choose to thank the hiring manager for reviewing the letter. Restate the value you bring to the company and your interest in the position. 

    Include the sign-off statement

    Next, include a complimentary close. Consider using a more formal, complimentary close.

    Write your name

    You should then sign the document and write your name just after.

    Add a postscript (P.S.)

    Lastly, you can add a postscript highlighting a significant achievement that would compel the hiring manager to reach out. The achievement can be professional-based, volunteer-based, or an award that is associated with the sales career.

    Cover Letter Template for a Sales Job

    [Your Name]

    [Your Address]

    [City, State, Zip]

    [Your Email Address]

    [Your Phone Number]


    [Hiring Manager’s Name]

    [Their Job Title]

    [Company Name]

    [Company Address]

    [City, State, Zip]

    Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

    I am writing to express my interest in the [Position Name] position advertised on [where you found the job listing], and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name]’s growth and success. With a solid background in sales, including [X years] of experience and a proven track record of exceeding sales targets, I am confident in my ability to generate significant results for your team.

    In my previous role at [Previous Company], I successfully [mention a key achievement, e.g., “increased quarterly sales by 20% through strategic client outreach and innovative marketing tactics”]. This experience honed my skills in [mention relevant skills, e.g., “negotiation, customer relationship management, and market analysis”], allowing me to effectively identify and capitalize on new sales opportunities and build long-lasting relationships with clients.

    What excites me most about the opportunity at [Company Name] is [mention something specific about the company or role that attracts you, e.g., “your innovative approach to leveraging technology in sales strategies”]. I am particularly drawn to this aspect because [provide a reason, e.g., “I believe that leveraging technology is key to staying competitive in today’s fast-paced market, and I have a keen interest in applying my digital marketing skills to enhance sales efforts”].

    I am eager to bring my sales expertise, along with my [mention any other relevant skills or qualities, e.g., “strong analytical skills and a customer-focused approach”], to [Company Name]. I am confident that my proactive style and dedication to achieving sales goals will make a significant contribution to the continued success of your team.

    I look forward to the opportunity to discuss in more detail how I can contribute to [Company Name]. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and can be reached at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address]. Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the possibility of contributing to your team and achieving new heights together.


    [Your Name]

    EXAMPLE Sales Cover Letter 

    Dear Mr. Johnson,

    I am excited to apply for the Sales Representative position at Innovative Tech Solutions, as advertised on LinkedIn. With over five years of experience in the technology sales sector, achieving and often surpassing sales targets, I am eager to bring my expertise in sales strategy and client relations to your dynamic team.

    At my current position as Senior Sales Associate with TechGrowth Solutions, I spearheaded a strategic sales initiative that resulted in a 25% increase in annual sales revenue, along with expanding our client base by 40% within two years. This success was largely due to my dedication to understanding client needs and developing tailored solutions that align with those needs, a skill I look forward to applying at Innovative Tech Solutions.

    Your company’s commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction resonates with my professional philosophy and ambitions. I am particularly impressed by your recent launch of the XYZ product line, which, I believe, has the potential to redefine consumer engagement within the tech industry. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to such forward-thinking projects and to further enhance your company’s position in the market.

    I am confident that my proactive approach in identifying new business opportunities and my passion for technology solutions make me a perfect fit for your team. I admire Innovative Tech Solutions’ dedication to pushing boundaries in the tech world, and I am excited about the prospect of being part of such a groundbreaking journey.

    Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss in further detail how I can contribute to the Innovative Tech Solutions team. Please feel free to contact me at 555-010-1234 or via email at to arrange for an interview.


    Jordan Matthews


    The applicant begins by expressing genuine excitement about the Sales Representative position, indicating a strong desire to join Innovative Tech Solutions. This enthusiasm can capture the attention of the hiring manager and convey the applicant’s genuine interest in the role.

    Next, the applicant effectively highlights their relevant experience as a Senior Sales Associate at TechGrowth Solutions. They provide concrete evidence of their capabilities in driving results by quantifying their achievements, such as a 25% increase in annual sales revenue and a 40% expansion of the client base within two years. This demonstrates their ability to achieve and surpass sales targets, a crucial skill for the Sales Representative role.

    Furthermore, the applicant demonstrates an understanding of Innovative Tech Solutions’ values and initiatives, such as their commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. By referencing the company’s recent launch of the XYZ product line and expressing enthusiasm about contributing to such projects, the applicant shows that they have researched the company and are genuinely interested in its goals and initiatives.

    The closing paragraph of the letter showcases the applicant’s confidence and proactive approach. By expressing readiness to discuss how they can contribute further and providing contact information for arranging an interview, the applicant demonstrates initiative and eagerness to move the application process forward.

    Overall, the letter maintains a professional tone and uses clear, concise language to convey the applicant’s qualifications and interest in the position. It effectively communicates the applicant’s enthusiasm, relevant experience, and alignment with the company’s values, making a compelling case for why they would be an asset to Innovative Tech Solutions as a Sales Representative.

    Things to Include in your Sales Cover Letter

    Past achievements

    This is by far the most significant content of a cover letter. It is a list of the many undertakings you have engaged in in the past. These are accompanied by how you performed, i.e., the volume of sales you hit, the income you brought in, and other benefits.

    Unique skills

    What skills do you have that others lack? Remember, the employer is always looking to hire someone who stands out. A sales job requires a lot of patience, great oratory, and persuasion skills. Make sure you mention these somewhere within the body of the letter.

    Work experience

    As noted above, such jobs are mostly entry-level positions. They also require no post-secondary education for a large part. However, for the sake of standing out among the others, you have to show that you are indeed experienced in the field. It is only in this way that the employer will find you better off.

    Evidence of your aggressiveness and persuasiveness

    This work requires some aggressiveness and persuasion. That is because you have to talk your way and convince your client to purchase your wares. To prove this, you must demonstrate to your prospective employer that you possess those skills.

    Added advantages

    Lastly, you also have to demonstrate your other advantages. Other than sales, what else can you bring to the table? Any employer will want a multipurpose employee whom he can use to perform many other roles beyond the core. Can you do something clerical or clean?


    Throughout your letter, maintain an authoritative tone. Show your hiring manager that you are aggressive and indeed equal to the task.

    Tips for Writing an Effective Sales Cover Letter

    A cover letter is an opportunity for anyone to sell themselves to the hiring manager. An exceptional one might be a bit involved, but it is worth the hassle.

    The following tips are worth remembering when writing a cover letter:

    Start with a good opening statement

    From the onset, the reader must enjoy reading the letter. It is therefore imperative to always start with an attention-grabbing opening statement in the introduction and body section.

    Include quantifiable achievements

    Include achievements that can be quantified. Numbers give a clear understanding of the value of an applicant; use them to show impact, success, or results.

    Make your achievements visually appealing

    Aesthetics can be used to improve the quality of a cover letter. You can utilize bullet points to list the achievements and highlight figures by making them bold. 

    Show you belong together

    Design the letter to illustrate that you and the company are a good fit and that working together would be mutually beneficial.

    Make it easy to read

    The letter should be written in a reader-friendly manner. This makes it effortless for the hiring manager to review and pick out important information as fast as possible.

    Personalize your letter

    Tailor the letter to the specific company you are applying to. Avoid reusing the same cover letter to apply for positions at different companies.

    Use a strong ending

    A strong ending can be used to leave an impression on the new employer.

    Key Takeaways

    A cover letter is a document a person submits with his or her application to further outline why they are suitable for a position. It is more detailed than a resume. It contains the skills, qualifications, skills, and experience that make an applicant suitable for the position. Other than communicating an applicant’s suitability, it is an opportunity for you to showcase your selling skills by marketing yourself to the potential employer. The letter should be written in a professional format. 

    About This Article

    Megan V.
    Authored by:
    Award-Winning Resume Writing, Cover Letters, Executive Bios, Public Relations
    Megan V. is an acclaimed resume writing professional, celebrated repeatedly as one of the "Top Ten Best Resume Writers in the Bay Area," a title she proudly reclaimed in 2023. Transitioning from her extensive experience owning and steering a public relations agency since 2009, Megan has tailored her writing prowess to cater to individuals seeking standout resumes, compelling cover letters, and detailed executive bios.

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