Heartfelt Resignation Letter | How to Write [16 Examples]

A Heartfelt Resignation Letter is a letter of resignation containing positive feelings regarding the company or organization, despite leaving them.

Resignation from a job is never easy, and it can be even harder if you are writing to leave on good terms.

Writing the letter is important because, after serving an employer for a long time and having developed a close relationship with them and with your colleagues, you will show them that you value the time you work together. You should always try and leave your job on positive terms regardless of your reasons for leaving, and express your gratitude to both your employer and colleagues for the experiences you shared working with them.

Best Way to Leave Your Workplace

There may be several reasons why you decide to resign from your current job. You may choose to resign simply because you are moving to a new city or another country. You may have been offered a new position at a different organization with more benefits and salary increments or you may have been offered your dream job- an opportunity for you to follow your dreams and desires.

Regardless of your reasons for resigning, it is recommended to leave your job on the best possible terms; this will ensure that you have a smooth transition to your new workplace. Also, should you need a letter of recommendation, your soon-to-be former employer would be more than happy to craft one for you.

How to Write a Heartfelt Resignation Letter

The letter adds positive thoughts to the company or organization that you want to leave, but it also makes sure that they know your reasons for leaving and that they understand that leaving the company will not affect your loyalty towards them.

Here is how to write the letter:

Write a professional greeting

Start the letter by writing a professional greeting. Address your letter to your employer. Since you have worked with them and know them well enough, make sure to give the letter a personal touch by writing their name.


Dear Tom, Peter, Dear Michael.

State your reason for leaving

Share your reasons for leaving the organization. When stating your reasons, regardless of why you are leaving the organization, there is no need for you to go into details about why you are leaving. A brief mention of why you are leaving is just enough.


You can say, “Due to my family relocating to a new state, I have no option but to look for new opportunities there.” Or, “The opportunity I have is simply too good to pass up.”

Mention the date on which your resignation is effective

The most crucial detail in your letter is the date your resignation will become effective. Some companies have policies regarding the notice period issued before resigning. This is to ensure that they have enough time to find a replacement for your position or make sure that there will not be any backlog once you leave the organization. Make sure to mention the exact date on which your resignation will become effective to avoid any inconveniences.


You may write something like; My last day in office will be February 29, 2022, or I am resigning as the Sales and Marketing Director effective February 29, 2022.

Include a brief, heartfelt compliment

This is possibly your last chance to leave a good impression on everyone you have been working with, and it also shows that you put much thought into the letter. You may want to include something like teamwork was one of my favorite features about this company, or I loved the work environment in this organization. Including a compliment here will help soften the harshness of the letter.


When writing the letter, do not mention any negative aspects of the company or bad-mouth any employees. Keep the letter positive and professional.

Offer assistance in the transition

It is a great gesture to offer assistance in the transition process to ensure that everything runs smoothly. This is important, especially when you have a very important role in the organization, such as an accounts administrator, manager, or executive officer. You want to make sure that before leaving the company, your replacement has everything he/she needs to ensure the smooth working of the organization. This will also help you stay on good terms with a soon to be former organization, company, or employer.

Say thank you

When resigning, it is important to show your soon-to-be former employer and colleagues that you highly appreciate having worked with them. It is important to inform the employer that you appreciate them for giving you a chance to be part of their organization. You can mention some of the skills you gained working for the organization or some of the memories or relationships you gained during your time at the organization.

Your contact information

Provide contact information at the end of the letter and invite the employer to contact you should they have questions or need further help to aid in the transition. If you will be moving to another state, it is important that you provide the phone number or address you will be moving to and your email address, and an alternative phone number to ensure that they can get in touch with you easily.

Downloadable Templates

Strong Heartfelt Assistant Manager Resignation Letter Letter Sample for Word Document

Strong Heartfelt Resignation Letter Letter Template for Word Document

Strong Heartfelt Communications Director Resignation Letter Letter Sample for Word Document

Strong Heartfelt History Teacher Resignation Letter Letter Sample for Word Document

Strong Heartfelt Nurse Coordinator Resignation Letter Letter Sample for Word Document

Strong Heartfelt Veterinary Technician Resignation Letter Letter Sample for Word Document

Strong Heartfelt Project Manager Resignation Letter Letter Sample for Word Document

Strong Heartfelt MIIS Employee Resignation Letter Letter Sample for Word Document

Strong Heartfelt Server Resignation Letter Letter Sample for Word Document

Strong Heartfelt Company Employee Resignation Letter Letter Sample for Word Document

Strong Heartfelt Atlantis Manager Resignation Letter Letter Sample for Word Document

Strong Heartfelt Sales Representative Resignation Letter Letter Sample for Word Document


    [Your Name]

    [Your Address]

    [City, State, Zip Code]

    [Your Email Address]

    [Your Phone Number]


    [Supervisor’s Name]

    [Their Title]

    [Company/Organization Name]

    [Company Address]

    [City, State, Zip Code]

    Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

    As I write this letter, I am filled with a mix of emotions. It is with a heavy heart that I submit my resignation from my position as [Your Position] at [Company/Organization Name], effective [Last Working Day, typically two weeks from the date of the letter]. This decision has not been an easy one and comes after considerable thought and reflection on my personal and professional journey.

    From my first day at [Company/Organization Name], I have felt nothing but welcomed, valued, and part of a truly remarkable team. The opportunities for growth, the challenges we’ve tackled together, and the successes we’ve celebrated have all contributed to an incredibly fulfilling experience. I am deeply grateful for the mentorship, support, and friendship that you and my colleagues have provided. These are gifts that I will carry with me as I move on to the next chapter of my life.

    The decision to leave is driven by [briefly explain your reason for leaving, e.g., “a new career opportunity that aligns with my long-term goals,” “personal reasons that necessitate a change,” etc.], and it is made with a profound sense of gratitude for the time I have spent as part of the [Company/Organization Name] family. Please know that this decision does not reflect any dissatisfaction with my role, the company, or the team. On the contrary, it is a testament to the personal growth and confidence I’ve gained through my work here that I feel prepared to take this next step.

    I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and will do everything in my power to hand over my responsibilities effectively. I am happy to assist in training my replacement or to provide support in any other way during this transition period. My goal is to leave my role in the best possible state for whoever follows.

    I would like to express my heartfelt thanks once again for the opportunity to work at [Company/Organization Name]. I hope to maintain the relationships I’ve built here and look forward to seeing how the company continues to grow and succeed in the future. Please do not hesitate to reach out if there is any way I can be of assistance during this transition or beyond.

    Thank you for everything.

    Warmest regards,

    [Your Name]

    [Your Position]

    Sample Letters

    Sample 01

    Dear Mr. Ford,

    As I sit down to write this letter, I am overwhelmed with emotions. It is with a heavy heart that I submit my resignation from my position as Senior Project Manager at Innovative Solutions Ltd., effective two weeks from today, October 14, 20XX. This decision has been one of the most challenging I have ever had to make, as it marks the end of a truly remarkable chapter in my professional life.

    From my very first day at Innovative Solutions, I have been blessed with an environment that fostered growth, creativity, and collaboration. The support and encouragement I received from you and the team have been unparalleled, making every challenge a learning opportunity and every success a shared joy. The projects we have delivered together have not only contributed to the company’s success but have also allowed me to grow in ways I had never imagined.

    The reason for my departure is a personal one, as I will be relocating to another state to be closer to my family. This decision, though bittersweet, is necessary for me at this juncture in my life. I leave with nothing but fond memories and gratitude for the experiences and friendships that I have been fortunate enough to gain during my time here.

    I am fully committed to ensuring a smooth transition and will do everything in my power to hand over my duties effectively. I am also more than willing to assist in training my successor to ensure that the team continues to thrive without interruption.

    Please accept my sincerest thanks for the opportunity to be a part of Innovative Solutions Ltd. I am hopeful that our paths will cross again in the future, and I look forward to staying in touch. Thank you for your understanding, support, and for the incredible journey.

    Warmest regards,

    Maria Gonzalez

    Senior Project Manager

    Sample 02

    Subject: Farewell and Thank You – Resignation Notice

    Dear Elizabeth,

    I hope this message finds you well. It is with a profound sense of gratitude and a heavy heart that I write to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as Lead Software Developer at TechAdvance, effective October 14, 20XX.

    The past five years at TechAdvance have been nothing short of extraordinary. The opportunities I’ve had to work on groundbreaking projects, the challenges we’ve overcome together, and the sense of community we’ve built have been invaluable to my personal and professional growth. Your mentorship, in particular, has been a guiding light for me, shaping me into the developer and person I am today.

    My decision to leave stems from a personal commitment to pursue further studies abroad, a dream I’ve harbored for many years. While I am excited about this next chapter, the thought of leaving our team fills me with sadness. I am deeply grateful for the trust, support, and camaraderie I’ve experienced here, and saying goodbye is truly difficult.

    I am dedicated to ensuring a seamless transition over the next two weeks. I will finalize all my current projects, document my work comprehensively, and do whatever else is necessary to support the team during this period. Please let me know how I can further assist in the process.

    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for the incredible journey at TechAdvance. I leave with cherished memories, invaluable skills, and lifelong friendships. I hope to keep in touch and perhaps collaborate again in the future.

    With heartfelt thanks,

    Jacob Miller

    Lead Software Developer

    How to Format a Heartfelt Resignation Letter

    There are two ways that you can choose to tender your letter. The first method is to resign in person and submit a hard copy of the letter and the second method is to send the letter via email. Although it is always recommended to resign in person and submit a hard copy of the letter, some circumstances may not allow for in-person resignation, such as working remotely.

    Regardless of the method you choose, there are general ground rules that must be considered when tendering the letter:

    1. Ensure that the letter is neat and devoid of any grammar or syntax mistakes.
    2. Maintain a record for reference
    3. Keep the letter short and to the point
    4. Choose a great subject line
    5. Choose an appropriate format for the letter. Consider using a standard business letter format when writing the letter.

    Key Takeaways

    Here are key takeaways that you should consider when writing the letter:

    • Be Open and Precise: As you lay bare the facts that have pushed you to resign, be open and precise. Do not hide any piece of information. If your boss overworked you or disrespected you in any shape or form, state it openly. In case all was well, also state so. Remember, many bosses are adept at detecting lies and inconsistencies.
    • Highlight Specific Feats: Spare some parts of the letter to highlight specific feats you accomplished while working. If none exists, you may choose to highlight some of the lessons or skills you obtained that will enrich your professional life in the years to come.
    • Offer to Assist with the Transitions: Resignations do inflict some toll on the organization that is affected. It is only a matter of courtesy yet again to offer to assist with the transition. This could take the form of hunting for a suitable replacement or helping the newcomer get started on the job.
    • Maintain a Professional Tone: All along, you should maintain a professional tone. Even when conveying a negative tone, you should not get overboard or spew hateful vitriol. Remember, your future employer will seek references from your current employer. The least you would want to do is compromise your standing later.
    • Avoid Exaggerations of Facts: Lastly, you should also avoid exaggerating facts as you draft and convey your ‘side of the story.’ Just maintain some plain language and utmost simplicity as you go about the business of drafting the letter.

    About This Article

    William Lehr
    Authored by:
    Human Resources Specialist, MS Office Expert
    William Lehr combines a profound understanding of human resources with a certified expertise in Microsoft Office, making him a dual asset in any professional setting. With a keen insight into the intricacies of HR, William adeptly manages talent acquisition, employee relations, and organizational development. His Microsoft Office proficiency further amplifies his effectiveness, allowing him to design and implement seamless workflows, reports, and analytical tools. Whether it's optimizing HR processes or crafting efficient MS Office solutions, William's comprehensive skill set ensures that organizational objectives are met with precision and excellence.

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