15 Sample Recommendation Letters for Internship

A Recommendation Letter for Internship, usually written by a teacher or a past employer, is a document that serves as a character reference for a specific student/applicant and is often presented to an organization along with the application letter for the student/applicant to get an internship.

High-level roles require the internship application to be accompanied by this letter to guarantee that the selected candidate is completely qualified for the post.

Some learning institutions require their students to undergo job internships prior to graduation. At times, internships are not mandatory, but they can offer an added advantage to the student since they offer a platform for gaining job experience.

In this regard, it is relevant to use it when seeking an internship for the following reasons:

  • This letter describes the qualifications of the applicant that correspond to the specified position.
  • It serves as evidence that the specified student has the knowledge needed for the job.
  • It demonstrates that the applicant is up to the offered job.
  • It also supports the applicant’s application for a paid internship or a significant position in the organization.

The best person to write it should be a previous professor or an employer who can comment on your personality, character, and work ethic. It is far more important to find someone who knows you on a personal level than to focus on a title to prove your suitability for an internship position.

Internship Recommendation Letter Examples

Free Internship Recommendation Letter Sample 01 for Word File

Downloadable Internship Recommendation Letter Template 02 for Word File

Professional Internship Recommendation Letter Template 03 for Word File

Free Internship Recommendation Letter Sample 04 for Word File

Printable Internship Recommendation Letter Sample 05 for Pdf File

Customizable Internship Recommendation Letter Sample 06 for Word File

Free Internship Recommendation Letter Sample 07 for Word File

Downloadable Internship Recommendation Letter Sample 08 for Word File

Editable Internship Recommendation Letter Sample 09 for Word File

Printable Internship Recommendation Letter Sample 10 for Word File

Free Internship Recommendation Letter Sample 11 for Word File

Printable Internship Recommendation Letter Template 12 for Pdf File

Free Internship Recommendation Letter Sample 13 for Word File

    How to Write a Recommendation Letter for an Internship

    Below is a step-by-step guide that you should follow when writing it for a student:

    Step 1: Letterhead

    It is the first section, usually written before the main contents of the letter.

    It covers the following:

    Your contact information

    This should include your email address, physical address, and phone number. The contact information identifies the recommender and can be used to reach them should there be a need for that.

    Subject and date

    Briefly state the purpose of writing this letter. When sending in an email format, include the purpose briefly in the subject line of the email. Also, include the actual date of writing it.

    Recipient’s contact details

    This covers the actual contact details of the organization in which the applicant is interested in undertaking their internship. This includes the organization’s name, the target department (usually the human resources department), the name of the person to whom the letter is addressed (if they are known by name, otherwise address them as a human resources officer), and the physical address of the organization.


    This is usually a gesture or utterance made as a greeting or acknowledgment to the recipient of the letter.

    Step 2: Introduction

    You are required to do the following under this section:

    Introduce yourself

    First, introduce yourself by describing who you are, the organization you work for, and your role in that organization to grab the recipient’s attention right from the beginning.

    Describe your relationship with the applicant

    Describe your relationship with the applicant by giving a brief overview of the applicant. Also, state how you relate to the applicant and how long you have known them.

    Step 3: Body

    The main message is contained in the body. The overall concept of communication applies here more than anywhere else in the letter. You should convey your message about the applicant clearly and briefly so that the reader understands it correctly and quickly.

    You should mainly focus on the following:

    Elaborate on the applicant’s skills, strengths, and experiences

    In your letter, discuss the person’s job responsibilities, contributions, and successes during your relationship.


    You might give examples of dedication, honesty, and hard work if you were a workplace supervisor. Also, you can emphasize academic achievements, classroom leadership skills, or other related attributes if you teach the applicant in a high school or a university.

    Mention how long you’ve known the applicant, as well as why you are willing to give a recommendation. It is necessary to ask the individual for whom you are writing the recommendation to explain the position or kind of work they are going for to highlight the credentials and hard and soft abilities, providing examples that will be most useful in grabbing the attention of a recruiter.

    Give examples of the applicant’s achievements

    Discuss why the applicant would be a good fit for the internship and benefit the organization. Include examples of the applicant’s expertise and credentials.

    Step 4: Conclusion

    It is the last section of the letter. You do the following:

    Restate your recommendation

    You should restate your recommendation by saying that you “strongly recommend” the applicant or that you “recommend without reservation.” These specific expressions demonstrate that you believe in the person you’re recommending. Conversely, anything less enthusiastic may appear as if you don’t believe in them.

    Provide contact details for follow-up

    Offer to provide more information if it is required. To facilitate this, provide your phone number and a valid email address.

    Sign off

    Close with a professional letter ending and include your name, and work title. Include your signature below your name if you are sending a printed copy of the letter.


    If you’re submitting the recommendation by email, state that it is a recommendation in the subject line, along with the applicant’s name. For example, if you’re sending an email for an internship applicant named “James Bond,” the subject line should be “Recommendation – James Bond.” If you have the recruiting manager’s name, put it after your closure, along with your name, professional title, and contact information.

    Template for Internship Recommendation Letter

    [Your Name]

    [Your Position]

    [Your Company/Organization]

    [Company Address]

    [City, State, Zip Code]

    [Email Address]

    [Phone Number]


    [Recipient’s Name (if known) or “To Whom It May Concern”]

    [Recipient’s Position (if known)]

    [Company/Organization Name]

    [Company Address]

    [City, State, Zip Code]

    Dear [Recipient’s Name or “To Whom It May Concern”],

    I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend [Candidate’s Name] for the [specific internship position] at [Company/Organization Name]. As [Your Relationship to the Candidate, e.g., “their professor” or “their supervisor”] at [Institution/Company Name], I have had the pleasure of witnessing [Candidate’s Name]’s exceptional growth and commitment to [relevant field or subject] over the past [duration].

    Throughout their time at [Institution/Company], [Candidate’s Name] has consistently demonstrated a high level of [mention specific skills or qualities, e.g., “analytical thinking”, “creativity”, “technical proficiency”] that distinguishes them from their peers. One notable instance that exemplifies these qualities was [describe a specific example or project the candidate worked on], where [he/she/they] [describe what the candidate did, highlighting key achievements, skills, and their impact].

    In addition to [his/her/their] academic/professional achievements, [Candidate’s Name] possesses remarkable interpersonal and communication skills, making [him/her/them] a valued member of any team. [He/She/They] is able to effectively collaborate with colleagues and contribute ideas in a way that enhances project outcomes. [Candidate’s Name]’s ability to [mention another key skill or quality, e.g., “adapt quickly to new challenges” or “lead projects with confidence”] was particularly evident when [provide another example].

    I am confident that [Candidate’s Name]’s dedication, coupled with [his/her/their] skill set, makes [him/her/them] an ideal candidate for the [specific internship position] at [Company/Organization Name]. [He/She/They] is not only capable of delivering high-quality work but is also eager to engage in opportunities for professional growth and learning.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] should you require any further information or clarification regarding [Candidate’s Name] and [his/her/their] suitability for the internship. I am looking forward to seeing the contributions [Candidate’s Name] will undoubtedly make to your team and am excited about the prospect of [his/her/their] continued professional development through this opportunity.

    Thank you for considering this recommendation.


    [Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)]

    [Your Name]

    [Your Position]

    [Your Company/Organization]

    Sample Internship Recommendation Letters

    Sample 1

    Dear Mr. Adams,

    I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend Michael Johnson for the Mechanical Engineering Internship program at Innovative Solutions Corp. As Michael’s professor in several key courses over the past two years, including Advanced Thermodynamics and Machine Design, I have been consistently impressed with his dedication, intelligence, and aptitude for mechanical engineering.

    Michael has demonstrated exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills, which are crucial in our field. His project on energy-efficient engine design showcased his ability to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical applications, producing results that were not only innovative but also feasible for real-world implementation. This project was recognized by our department as one of the standout projects of the year, underscoring Michael’s creativity and engineering insight.

    Beyond his technical abilities, Michael has shown remarkable leadership and teamwork skills. He served as the project leader for our senior design project team, guiding his peers through complex design challenges and fostering a collaborative and productive work environment. His leadership directly contributed to his team’s project being selected for presentation at the National Engineering Conference last year, a testament to his ability to motivate and lead a team towards achieving excellence.

    Michael’s academic achievements are complemented by his hands-on experience in our university’s engineering workshop, where he has honed his skills in CAD design, prototyping, and testing. He possesses a natural curiosity and a relentless drive to understand how things work and how they can be improved, qualities that I believe will make him an invaluable asset to your team.

    In addition to his technical expertise and leadership qualities, Michael is a person of excellent character. He is reliable, and hardworking, and consistently demonstrates a positive attitude and an eagerness to learn. His ability to communicate effectively with peers and professors alike has made him a well-respected member of our engineering department.

    I am confident that Michael will bring the same enthusiasm, skill, and dedication to the Mechanical Engineering Internship program at Innovative Solutions Corp. as he has to his academic pursuits. He is fully prepared to contribute to your team and embrace the challenges of the engineering profession.

    Please feel free to contact me if you require further information or details about Michael’s qualifications and achievements. I look forward to seeing the contributions Michael will undoubtedly make to your esteemed company.


    Dr. Emily Carter

    Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    University of Engineering and Technology

    Sample 2

    Dear Ms. Bell,

    It is with great enthusiasm that I recommend Samantha Lee for the internship position within your business development team at Global Innovations Inc. As a Professor of Business Administration at Prestige University and Samantha’s academic advisor and professor in several key courses, including Strategic Management and Marketing Principles, I have had the opportunity to observe her outstanding growth and dedication to her studies.

    Samantha has consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of business concepts and an ability to apply these concepts in a variety of contexts. Her project in my Strategic Management class, where she developed a comprehensive business plan for a start-up, showcased not only her innovative thinking but also her practical approach to business planning and strategy. This project was commended for its thoroughness and creativity, reflecting Samantha’s capacity to blend theoretical knowledge with practical application effectively.

    Beyond her academic excellence, Samantha has been an active participant in our School of Business, contributing to various clubs and societies, including the Business Leaders Association. Her role in organizing the annual Business Innovation Conference was instrumental in its success, demonstrating her leadership, organizational skills, and ability to work effectively as part of a team.

    Samantha’s internship with Local Enterprises last summer further honed her skills in market analysis and business operations, where she was praised for her analytical abilities, initiative, and positive attitude towards challenging tasks. Her commitment to applying academic learning to real-world business problems is impressive and speaks volumes about her readiness to contribute to Global Innovations Inc.

    Her interpersonal and communication skills are among her greatest assets. Samantha possesses the rare ability to engage with individuals at all levels, facilitating discussions and collaborations that enhance project outcomes. Her maturity, combined with her enthusiastic approach to learning and development, makes her an ideal candidate for your internship program.

    I am confident that Samantha will bring a high level of energy, dedication, and innovation to your team. She is poised to not only benefit from but also significantly contribute to the dynamic environment at Global Innovations Inc. I strongly endorse her application and I believe she will be an invaluable asset to your internship program.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information or insights regarding Samantha’s abilities and potential contributions to your team. I am eager to see the positive impact she will undoubtedly make at Global Innovations Inc.


    Professor Linda Harris

    Chair, Department of Business Administration

    Prestige University School of Business


    Both recommendation letters effectively advocate for their respective candidates, showcasing their qualifications, skills, and potential contributions to the internship programs. Each letter begins with a personalized introduction, establishing a connection between the writer and the recipient. The professors’ positions and relationships with the candidates are clearly stated, enhancing the credibility of their endorsements. Furthermore, both letters provide specific examples of the candidates’ achievements and experiences, demonstrating their competencies. One letter highlights academic achievements, leadership roles, and hands-on experience in engineering projects, while the other discusses academic excellence, project work, leadership roles in extracurricular activities, and internship experience. These examples illustrate the candidates’ technical proficiency, strategic thinking, and practical application of academic learning. Moreover, both letters conclude with strong endorsements of the candidates’ abilities and potential contributions to the internship programs. The professors express confidence in the candidates’ readiness for the roles and offer further assistance if needed, leaving a positive impression of their qualifications. Overall, both recommendation letters effectively present the candidates as highly qualified and suitable for the internship positions, providing a comprehensive overview of their skills, experiences, and character traits.

    Tips for Writing a Great Recommendation Letter

    It would be best if you observed the following to come up with an outstanding letter:

    Stay positive

    By staying positive, the letter will highlight the applicant’s aptitude and capabilities while also explaining why you feel this person is a good match for the internship position. Any statements that could suggest otherwise should be avoided.

    Use a formal business letter format

    Like other business letters, it is an official letter, and therefore it should be treated with a high degree of professionalism. Having a professionally written letter, regardless of an applicant’s chosen area, may highly contribute towards getting an internship. Therefore, if someone asks you to write it, it’s worth spending time to produce a top-notch letter by handling it with the professionalism that it requires.

    Stay on topic

    It is necessary to praise the applicant, but this should be done with limits to the current context. Ensure that you only focus on highlighting the qualities that will help the applicant to secure an internship position. Avoid irrelevant details such as looks’ description, humor, etc.


    A letter of recommendation for an internship should be written professionally and formally. It would be best if you observed etiquette and a formal tone throughout the letter. It should state unequivocally that you believe the applicant deserves the internship position.

    About This Article

    Zhaniece Hill
    Authored by:
    Human Resources Specialist | Masters of Business, MBA, BAS Operations Management and Supervision
    Zhaniece Hill, an accomplished author, and writer, possesses an extensive 9-year journey as a seasoned Human Resources professional. With a Master's degree in Business Administration, Hill's profound insights into human capital management have been shaped by a diverse background spanning public and private sectors. Expertise in talent acquisition, onboarding, employee engagement, and benefits define Hill's remarkable HR acumen. With an unyielding focus on results, Hill's legacy is characterized by innovative HR solutions that elevate employee satisfaction, retention, and overall business performance. Continuously seeking fresh challenges, Zhaniece Hill utilizes her expertise to create a lasting impact in the realm of HR.

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